Chapter 4- Claire De Lune

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I would like to apologize for being super off schedule, if you saw my alert on my page you'd know I was going through another relapse, which hasn't *fully* subsided but I thought 'fuck it you have to write this stupid thing' so here I am. c:

Again, I feel so bad for being like 2 weeks late. ALSO I DECIDED TO PRETTY MUCH JUST COMBINE ALL OF MY PREVIOUS SAIMATSU BOOKS! Mainly just because they all need literate justice, and I'd like for them to add more structure for this rewrite. Of course, I will change a couple things to make it more visually interesting, so I apologize if it is not to your liking, but take this chapter with a grain of salt.


If there was windows in her dorm, she would tear open the curtains and breathe in the fresh air on the other side. She would listen to the birds sing and watch the trees sway in the wind. Maybe she'd hum a small tune to herself while the sun poked into her room. But there was no window. There was no curtains, and no sun that kissed her good morning. No birds, or any animals. Not even insects. 

She woke up groggy, and she felt stiff and her hair was greasy and gross. Kaede hesitantly turned the covers away from her body and pressed her bare feet on the hard wood floor to trudge her way to the bathroom. She knew she may be late to her usual meeting in the Dining Hall, but the morning announcement hadn't come on yet, she assured herself she would have enough time.

turning on the shower water she let the cold water run down her scalp, freezing the skin in-between her shoulder blades. It helped wake her up and have her look more presentable towards Shuichi.

Wait, what?

She paused, turning off the shower water, staring at the wall to rethink. Why would she care what only Shuichi thought? She felt herself become flustered thinking about him.

Stepping out of the shower she put on undergarments and blew her hair dry, then put on the rest of her uniform. She combed her hair with her fingers lazily and startled herself when Monokuma came on the monitor announcing the morning.

She brought her mind back to Shuichi again. His tall build, dark hair and bright, golden-like eyes. She liked how quiet he was, rather than boasting about himself the way some other guys she knew did. Smiling to herself she turned her doorknob and stepped outside of her dorm. She giggled at a thought and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Thinking of Shuichi made the pit in her stomach seem whole again. When he crossed her mind, suddenly she forgot about the Killing game.

"What are you giggling about?" A voice said from the side of her. She jumped a little, whipping her head around so fast her hair fell off her shoulders. 

"Shuichi! Good morning!" She smiled. Had he seen all that? What did she look like right now? Kaede felt silly and awkward all over.

"Good morning, Kaede." He replied, offering to walk her to the Dining Hall.

Pacing their steps they made small talk, but it was never a full conversation. Kaede noted the way he talked. How he would dodge questions about himself, putting the focus on Kaede or the Killing Game. They way he would bring his fingers to his lips and stare intently at the ground when he was in deep thinking.

Shuichi pulled the door to the dining hall open, stepping to the side to let Kaede in. The smell of breakfast filled the room as the other participants served up their plates.

"Thank you, Kirumi!" Tenko said, running up to her. Had she made breakfast again? 

"Mommy, you cook the best meals!" Kokichi said after. Evidently Kirumi had claimed that nickname from the boy. Kirumi could only smile at that. It was comforting to her to have so many people depend on her.

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