Part 2 Kuroko x Reader {Requested}

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This is part 2 From Gods eye and this is for...'drumroll' @primadonnafangirl hope you like it~


"Hahaha lol loser try get your books, there here!, oh wait you can't even see 'here'" Laughed the leader of the bitch group that loved to bully you.

They immediately started to target you when they saw that you were Legally blind. Ever since you stood up to them that one time a while ago they were just so into hurting you and teasing you of your disability.

One of the members pulled you (H/C) hair while another girl pushed you full on down and kicked you in the gut. They all laughed until a small but powerful voice rang out "Grow up will you" You looked over at where the voice came from and saw a moving blob slowly walk towards you.

"Argh your lucky you have Kuroko here for now but he can't always be at your side right~ haha" The leader spoke as she mentioned for the other girls to drop you, they turned and left while Kuroko came to your aid.

"Thanks Tetsuya..." You said with your head hung down.

"(F/N)-san just be strong remember that tomorrow this should all be over" Kuroko reminded you.

It was true though, tomorrow you were going into an eye operations to heal your blindness. This all added up to your final plan to have a complete transformation. You enrolled with Kuroko into Seirin as a female student but after this operation you were going to cut of all your hair and dye it red and enrol into this school again as a boy to ultimately join the male basketball club to finally prove to your brother, Akashi Seijuro that (F/N) Akashi was no longer the useless girl he used to know.

You stood up and picked up your now dirty doll that Akashi gave you, you used your gods eye and saw though the dolls eyes to see your way home. "It'll be all over soon" you whispered.

[TIME SKIPPUUU: After Operation]

You woke up to the blinding white ceiling of the operation room, you look around that room and saw your a doll sitting in the chair next to you...Wait you could SEE the doll that you always used to use to see with. You could actually see, you were overwhelmed.

"This is it, there's no turning back on the plan now" You thought.

"Hello (F/N)-san" You heard the door open and someone step in.

"T-Tetsuya...i..i can see you...finally" You said filled with happiness, you started to let your tears of happiness flood down your cheeks. Kuroko can to your side and gave you a comforting hug.

"Thats right (F/N)-san see, look around and see the world that you were born in" He said softly.

You were soon discharged from the hospital once the doctors saw that every things was fine, you dragged Kuroko to the hairdresser and told her to cut your hair to a boys style and dye it red, She did exactly that and soon it was time to see the new you.

"3..2..1 here you go~" The hairdresser said as she pulled the towel from the mirror, you looked amazing you actually looked like a boy, well really girly one but it was good enough adding to the fact that you had a legit iron board chest. (A/n:if you have boobs then is story you don't)

Kuroko's mother had already pulled the old (F/N) out of school and had just registered the new (F/N) into Seirin high school, the school should send out a small boys uniform to the Kuroko residence soon.

"(F/N)-san what are you going to do with this now?" Kuroko said as he held up the doll you used to cherish.

"Hmm just throw it in my bag please" You said politely.

Kuroko no Basket x Reader {Request On hold}Where stories live. Discover now