Midorima x Reader part 1 {Requested}

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Thanks thekoreanbookworm and @BelladonnaVonChrist
for requesting! Just warning minna-chan this is an angst so yeah Bewared!
"Ahhhh Ughhh" You screamed and held tight onto your head.

"Honey please calm down, just breathe" You parents tried to calm you down.

For your whole life you have been suffering from a mental problem known as Schizophrenia that affected your sense of awareness and made you have unwanted hallucinations and thoughts. This problem was stable when you were younger but know after you turned 17 -and your mind was the most fragile, your condition began to make you have more and more mental break downs and bad thoughts.

"M-mum arghh you don't understand! NOBODY DOES! Nobody will understand me! Im going to be alone aren't i mumma?" You asked your mum in a small voice with your head down and hair covering your eyes.

"Shh honey we are here for you well always be, (Fathers/N) please go get some Water for ( F/N)" Your mother said politely.

Shes lying.

She doesn't really want you.

Who would want a freak like you.

Go kill yourself freak.


"You never cared...AND YOU NEVER WILL" You screamed as you pounced onto your mother pushing her down and gripping her throat as hard as you could, strangling her. She kicked around and gasped for air as you were slowly taking the life from her.

"It was nice knowing you moth~er..HahaAHAHAHA" You started to laugh hysterically as you mothers actions died down quite a bit, you continued to grip until she was gone.

"(Mothers/N) is (F/N) o..." Your father came into the room with a class of water and tons of pills, the shocked and frightened look on his face was priceless.

"Hello father~" You said creepily as you let go of your mothers lifeless body and quickly ran into the kitchen.

"Oh no (Mothers/N)! Noo What have you done to her! S-shes not breathing!" He yelled as he rushed to hug your dead mothers corpse.

"Hehe that lying bitch deserved it~" You giggled as you appeared back into the room holding a 5cm wide kitchen knife.

"W-what have you done? Whats wrong with you (F/N)!? I c-cant do this anymore!" Your father cried.

"Hmm then die" You laughed and stabbed your dad multiple times in his chest and head.

"Pa~pa hows that? Ha? Papa! DOESN'T THIS PAIN FEEL SO GOOD!" You screamed and continued to stab him, his warm blood sprayed into your face and clothes.

You started to slow your actions as you noticed he was dead. You looked at the blood all over your hand and started to panic.

"Mama papa w-what have i done?! Oh no w-what happened!? No no im scared..please help me! M-m-midorima..he'll help..He has to!!" You screamed as you rushed to your phone.

You opened your phone and went though contacts to 'Bae' and dialed the number.

'Ring...Ri..Nanodayo? Do you know what time it is (F/N)!?'

'Shin i need to see you now...'

'What! Ahh fine i'll keep the door unlocked see you then..Beep beep'

You quickly washed the blood of your hands and packs your wanted belongings into a suitcase and ran away from your home.

Once you reached Midorima's home you welcomed yourself inside and locked the door and ran around to find Midorima, ultimately you found him in his study working on his work notes, Midorima had just turned 20 and you 17. You and Midorima met at your aunties wedding, he was their because he was invited by your auntie for being her docter and Takao, he was your Second cousin.
You and takao were close as cousins so he's the one who introduced you both.

"Shin...i've done something bad..r-really bad.." You started to cry.

Midorima was taken back by your sudden outburst so he stood up from his desk and walked to you, pulling you into a comforting hug.

"Shh its ok, whats wrong?" He asked in an Awkward voice.

"I-i killed t-them..i killed mama and papa..ahhhh" You started to scream and cry.

Midorima only tightened his hug on you "It will be alright, well get thought it together i promise".


Its been a few years since the big incident occurred, strangely enough the cops haven't come for you yet. But the past few years have been good you and Midorima grew much closer you even had a private wedding so now you were Midorima (F/N), over the years you still have been having break downs but nothing to severe. And more good news you were pregnant with Midorima's baby, about 8 months preg so the baby was coming soon.

"Phew i feel like a real house wife..look at me I'm even making little sockies for you~" You said happily to the little bundle of joy in your belly.

"Shin!! I'm hungry!!" You yelled thought the house.

"Nanodayo cant you make it your...ok fine what do you want?" He asked as he walked though the door to where you where.

"Hmm pig~" You said cheekily.

"Pig?..ok" He said reluctantly as he walked to the kitchen.

"He's a good Shin isnt he~ a good...shin..oww..ahhh" You started grumbling in pain.

Midorima must have heard your cries because he came running back into the room and knelt by your side.

"Ok (F/N) you just need to breathe (Baby's/N) is coming" He said calmly/frantically.

"You..think i don't know that! CALL THE AMBULANCE!"You yelled as grabbed onto Midorima's hair.

"Ouch! Ok breathe while i get the phone!" He said as he rushed to call an ambulance.

"Ahh no Shin the baby wants to be here now!! Its coming!!" You screamed.

"Um ok! So i have to..what..yeah then what..ok but please stay their until an ambulance comes" Midorima talked with a nurse.


"A doctor yes BUT NOT IN THIS STUFF! Ok (F/N) just breathe i'll be right back!" He yelled as he ran off.

"Just breathe heh why does that sound so f-familiar ahh" you said softly, you started to seriously feel dizzy and sick.

"Ok im back now" Midorima said as we came back with his head leaning sidewards holding the phone, a big towel over his shoulder and a bucket if warm water.

"T-thank god.." You said wearily.

"No! No (F/N) stay with me! You need to breathe! Please!" He said in a tone that in all your years you have never heard before, it gave you a little more strength to push this baby out. There was only one thing in your mind now.

"Even if i dont make it this baby has to"

You pushed but with every push you felt yourself slipping away.

"I can see its head! Come on (F/N) its almost over!" Midorima said happily then returned to his panicked state.

"Ha..ahhh please Shin look after (Baby's/N) for us..arghh" You said puffed out as you gave your hardest and final push.

"Wahh..WAHH" The voice of your angel coming into the world was beautiful.

"(F/N)! G-good job (F/N) you did it she/he's here alive, im s-so proud" Midorima said softly as small tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Shi-shintarou..haa..i was so h-happy you stayed with me..t-till the end.." You whispered breathlessly.

"Shh its o-ok just r-rest..I love you" Midorima said so sweetly and sincerely.

"I love you t-to Shintarou" Your final words were spoken as your life fire dimmed on the day your spirit left and an Angel was born.
Ahhh hope you liked it minna! There will be a pt two that happy but if you liked it like this its ok not to read pt 2~..

Next up:Aomine x Preg reader~

Anyone Requests?

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