Kuroko x Reader part 3 {Requested}

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This is part 3 of Gods-eye brought to you by @thekoreanbookworm @bringerak and @chi-chan880 hope you like it!

After the match you were still able to see but you weren't able to use your power anymore, but it was fine because you could kinda say you would never need it again. Your brother finally accepted you as a living being and you proved to everyone that you weren't a girl to be messed with.

"Congratulations (F/N)-san" Said Kuroko with a big bright smile (A/N:AHHH BBY YASS SMILEE *facepalm*" back to da story)

You smiled and brushed a loose strand of hair behind you ear, your vision was beginning to become very blurry but that's expected especially after everything that has happened, you thought back and remembered the long journey you undertook, remembering the grueling surgery, the extensive eye training to be able to use Emperors Eye, even though you were losing your eye sight again being able to play with you Team and with Kuroko and fight to defeat you Brother was more then enough.

You blinked your fading eyes and looked at the biggest support of of your whole life smile brightly for the last time until your eyes gradually lost their sight, You smiled sadly as you closed your eyelids and stood up abruptly and suddenly felt dizzy and lost your footing and began to fell (a/n: Cliché moment coming~) But the arms of the guy your heart fell for a long time ago, caught you and stabled you while calling to you in a worried voice.

"(F/N)-chan are you okay?" Asked Kuroko.

You simply nodded and he let you go, you started to retapped into your blind senses and your old imaginations filled your would again. "Sigh i wish i travelled and saw more.." you thought sadly.

"Hey (L/N)-chan are you coming to Kagami's for the party?!" Hyuga senpai asked excitedly.

"CHOTTO WHY MY HOUSE?!" Kagami yelled.

"Shush your house is the best for these things~" Izuki-senpai cheered whilst the other members agreed with nods and high-5's.

You sighed and nodded, you whispered to Kuroko who was right behind you for your walking cane and kept you hand outstretched and a few seconds later you were one again reunited with the only way you could direct yourself in the world again.

"It'll be alright (F/N)-san i'll always be here for you" Kuroko said calmly and you knew that he was smiling but that saddened you the most, the fact that you could not see your beloved Tetsuya's smiling face hit you in the heart like a arrow of pain.

You smile and clicked open your cane and began to image the world around you once again.

Your teamates all decided to walk together to reach Kagami's Home and once Kagami opened the door Guess who was sleeping on the couch half naked? Yeap Alex-san, Kagami began to poke her cheek and she started to move around until Kagami started to get mad and shook her violently.

"NANI BAKAGAMI!!?" She yelled as she karate chopped his head leaving him rolling on the ground in pain.



"Aish... fine BUT put some Goddamn clothes on anyway!" Kagami retorted as he began to walk away.

You giggled as you imaged their cute quarrel, you had been to Kagami's place multiple times so you already know a good image of the structure of his home so you set off yourself to the kitchen to grab a cup of water.

"(F/N)-chan where are you heading to?" Kuroko asked politely.

"Just getting some water~" You chimed back.

He nodded and followed you to the kitchen.

"You know you didn't have to follow, even if your presence is low i can still tell that your here Tetsuya-kun" You smiled as you lifted your hands to feel the table bench and made your way to the cup cupboard.

Kuroko could only smile at you will admiration, you were the only one who ever noticed his presence (A/N: except the hawk eyes boyzzz) and he felt to happy when ever he was with you, he felt like he could be all natural and still be listened to and noticed. He was so grateful that you were in his life and he had being keeping a deep secret in his heart for a very long time, He love you for all you were, your flaws and your imperfections and your unique heart. He smiled warmly as he watched you guided yourself to the cups. "Shes so beautiful" he thought as he clutched his heart "I will tell her how i feel, i can't keep these emotions inside anymore" he spoke to himself softly.

While Kuroko was busy talking to himself you were still getting that water you needed, you opened the cupboard and grabbed a random cup and once again guided yourself to the water dispenser at the fridge. You estimated how full the cup was by its weight before you took it away and brought it to your mouth only for your thirst to be disrupted by a hand, the hand took your cup and with a thunk brought it down the the table. The soft and familiar hand grabbed yours and began to lead you to another room. You were kinda annoyed that this person disrupted your drinking session but your were curious as to why they brought you away so you stayed put.

"(F/N)... Will you please listen to what i have to say and answer me honestly" Kuroko whispered as he intertwined his fingers with yours.

"Sure Tetsuya-kun" You answered back softly.

You heard his give a nervous sigh and your heart started to beat faster and faster.

"(F/N) i..i like...i really love you, so so much, with all my heart... ive never felt any of these emotions with anyone else other than you and i just can't keep them in my heart anymore, it hurts (F/N) it hurts so much i feel like my heart is going to break when ever i see you with another boy or even person, whats happening to me (F/N) when did i ever be come such a ba.." You cut him off my sealing his lips with yours.

At first his eyes widened and he was shocked but he soon responded to the kiss and kissed back passionately until you bother were left gasping for air.

"Tetsuya i love you too and i also have these feeling for only you, i have loved you for soo long" You admitted

You literally could feel Kuroko's smile as you were anticipated what was going to happen next.

"(F/N)-chan will you make the happiest boy and be my Girlfriend?"

You jump onto him in joy and felt his face to give his the most meaningful kiss you've ever given as you yelled "YES!"


AHAHAHAH how was that Reader-chanss, yaaa its been so long since i've updated but i've just been lazy.. gomen but still PLEASE LOOK FORWARD TO THE NEXT UPDATE! hehehe and:

Next Up: Murasakibara X Reader (Lemon)

Kuroko no Basket x Reader {Request On hold}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora