Sakurai Ryo x Reader

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You had woken up late and you had to get ready for you work interview.You got dressed and walked out of your house tiredly. You decided to make a quick stop at your local coffee shop. You stood inline and ordered your coffee. Once it arrive you exited the shop and began to rush to work. You were currently looking at your watch and you didn't notice someone walking quite slow in front you and you accidentally bumped into them spilling your coffee all over the man.
'Ahh gomenasi!!' You yelled while grabbing a handkerchief from your bag.
'No no sumimasen it's my fault for walking so slow sumimasen sumimasen sumimasen!' He yelled while bowing many times.
You thought that the was he was apologising was really cute and you still offered your handkerchief, he finally stopped apologising and took the hanky. After he cleaned himself he returned the hanky to you.
"Ah thanks?" You whispered.
"Eto i need to go now, i have a job interview to get to" he said while bowing and turning away.
" see some other time" You yelled while he was walking away.
You turned around and tried to forget that little run by and began walking towards the work place you hope to get a job at.
Once you arrived you walked up the the reception and asked where you had to stay, and she replied with a rude sigh and pointed to a door behind her, you thanked her and opened the door walking in.
"Geez whats her problem?..." You grumbled.
You looked up at the rest of you 'for now' enemies and recognised someone familiar. It was that dweb you ran into earlier.
"Great i have to go against this guy?..." You thought but waves to the man.
He waved back and you stalked towards him to start a conversation but the employer.
"Sakurai Ryo and (F/N) (L/N) please come in!" The lady said.
"Hai!" You and Sakurai both said while walking into the office.
"Ok lets see your experience cards, hmm so Ryo i see that you had a pretty good academy degree and you also worked as a chef during you years?" She asked.
[sorry I couldn't think of anything -a/n]
"H-hai gomenasi" sakurai bowed.
"And (F/N) you seem to also have a good degree and you worked for a modelling agency as a fashion designer?" She said while looking towards you.
"Yes thats true" You answered confidently.
"Hmm well i would have to say that from these records i think the one most suited to the job would have to be (F/N) sorry Ryo but I don't think you could do much here" she said sincerely.
"Thats ok..." Sakurai said quietly.
You felt kinda bad for the guy but he looked so cute with that little pout but you quickly snapped out of it when your employer asked you when you could start.
"Umm any time during next week" You answered.
"Great then i email you a starting time, now please both remove yourself from my office, i am quite busy" She said sternly.
You and Sakurai both turn and left. Once you exited outside you noticed Sakurai seeming a bit down so you decided to cheer him up.
"Hey Sakurai its ok there are plenty more jobs out in the world, hey come on lets go grab a coffee together~" You said cheerfully.
"H-hai sumimasen" he said while following you silently.
You walked all the way to the coffee store you were at this morning with Sakurai following your glumly.
"Hey hurry up!" You said while walking towards Sakurai "This is a new start for you!" You whispered while pecking his cheek and quickly running into the store only glancing back once to see the red faced boy holding his kisses cheek, he looked up and smiled a genuine smile before racing after you.
Ahhhh gomenasi for talking so long but all writers out there you should know how writers block feels like!!
Ummmmm for the i guess i should try harder.
Sorry if there is mistakes!
Next up: Gom x Reader
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And i am taking any request!!
Ja ne!

Kuroko no Basket x Reader {Request On hold}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora