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After Flora helped clean Eleven's bloodied nose, Mike offered for her to stay for dinner. But since Mrs Wheeler didn't know her, she'd had to climb into Mike's room, climbing out again to act as if she was there to see Nancy.

Knocking on the door, Flora smiled innocently when Mrs Wheeler opened the door. "Hi! I'm Flora, Nancy's friend." Flora introduced herself, earning a smile from Mrs Wheeler.

"Well, I'm her mother, and I was just about to call her down for dinner. Have you eaten?"

"No, I haven't actually." Flora told her as she was invited in, Mrs Wheeler guiding her to a seat in the dining table, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Mr Wheeler, and Mike's younger sister Holly already at the table.

"Hi, I'm Flora." She introduced herself to Mr Wheeler, only getting a bland look in return. She grinned to the kids, the trio mischievously smiling back.

"Nancy! Dinner!" Mrs Wheeler yelled up the stairs, the group hearing a faint "Coming!" in response.

Once Nancy was downstairs, she had to take a double take once she saw Flora. "Flora?"

"Hey Nancy, I thought I'd just meet you here for the thing later."

The group was then all sat at the dinner table, Mrs Wheeler serving meatloaf.  The boys were only picking at their food,  whereas Nancy and Flora were eating normally. "Something wrong with the meatloaf?"

"Oh, no, I had two baloney sandwiches for lunch." Dustin explained, shrugging. "I don't know why."

Lucas nodded in agreement. "Me, too."

Nancy looked to her mother, "It's delicious, Mommy."

"She's right, this is really good." Flora agreed, knowing this was a tactic for Nancy to go to the party.

"Thank you, sweeties." The woman smiled at the two girls, who had exchanged a knowing look.

"So, there's this special assembly thing tonight for Will at the school field. Barb's driving." Nancy told her mother, "That's why Flora's here." Flora nodded, vouching for her friend.

Mrs wheelers eyes furrowed. "Why am I just hearing about this?"

"I thought you knew." Nancy defended, unaware of her mother's lack of knowledge.

"I told you, I don't want you out after dark until Will is found." Her mother said sternly.

Nancy nodded. "I know, I know, but it'd be super weird if I'm not there. I mean, everyone's going."

Mrs Wheeler sighed. "Just be back by 10:00." Her eyes then seemed to light up. "Why don't you take the boys, too?"

The boys all began to loudly deny and protest Mrs Wheeler's words, gaining a look of confusion from her. "Don't you think you should be there? For Will?"

Mike then seemed to snort into his milk, looking off behind him, Dustin and Lucas' eyes widening. Before Mrs Wheeler could turn around, Dustin hit his fists against the table, causing Holly, the youngest Wheeler, to hide back in her seat.

"Sorry. Spasm." Dustin apologised as Mrs Wheeler began to comfort Holly.

"Oh, It's okay, Holly. It's just a loud noise."

Nancy then sneered to the boys, "Nice." Soon standing and bringing Flora with her, the pair went to Nancy's room as she grabbed a few things before leaving the house, Barbara now waiting in her car.

As the pair climbed inside Barbara's car, the redhead turned to Flora. "I thought you'd already be at Steve's."

She shook her head, "I didn't know if you were coming and I didn't want Nancy to come alone." Flora explained, shrugging as the three began the drive to Steve's, Flora guiding the way.

Before they could get to his house, however, Nancy told Barbara to park the car. "Barbara, pull over." Nancy ordered, Barbara looking at her in shock.


"Pull over!" Nancy laughed as her friend did so, still confused.

"What are we doing here? His house is three blocks away." Barbara pointed out, a confused smile on her face.

Nancy rolled her eyes. "We can't park in the driveway."

"Are you serious?" Barbara asked, shaking her head slightly.

Nancy was serious. "Yeah, the neighbors might see."

Flora scoffed. "Nancy, don't worry. The neighbours don't care. And if they did, they'd actually know who I was."

Barbara uncomfortably laughed, looking between Nancy and Flora. "This is so stupid. I'm just gonna drop you off."

Nancy laughed, "Calm down, Barb. Come on. You promised that you'd go. You're coming. We're gonna have a great time."

Barbara rolled her eyes. "He just wants to get in your pants."

"No, he doesn't." This was said by both Nancy and Flora, one truthful, one knowing the redhead was partly correct.

"Nance, seriously." Barbara raised her eyebrows, surprised at Nancy's oblivious  behaviour. "He invited you to his house. His parents aren't home. Come on, you are not this stupid."

Flora rolled her eyes at Barbara's stubborn attitude. "This is normal for Steve."

Nancy nodded in agreement. "Tommy H. and Carol are gonna be there, as well as Flora."

"Tommy and Carol have been having sex since, like, seventh grade." Barbara pointed out.

"True." Flora inputted, knowing that to be a fact from the many conversations she's had with Carol.

Barbara shuddered. "It'll probably just be, like, a big orgy."

Flora laughed when Nancy scrunched up her face in disgust. "Gross."

Barbara laughed too, "Serious!"

Nancy began to change, looking to Barbara as she did. "All right, well you can be, like, my guardian. All right? Make sure I don't get drunk and do anything stupid."

Barbara looked to Nancy, rolling her eyes. "Ugh. Is that a new bra?"

"No. Barb, chill." She denied as she finished changing, the trio beginning to head to Steve's.

"I'm chill."

Once the three arrived at Steve's house, they could hear the loud music from inside, Flora grinning at the music choice as she rang the doorbell.

Steve soon came with a wide grin, opening the doors and looking between the three girls. "Hello, ladies."

"Hey Stevie!" Flora grinned, being the first one to enter the house. She began moving up his stairs, giving him a knowing look as she went to his room.

Flora grabbed any of her clothes that lay around the room from the time she's spent in there, shoving all of it into Steve's closet that he learned to share with the girl. Flora then kicked off her shoes, then grabbed a pair of shorts, changing from her jeans into them and removing her shirt, leaving her in just shorts and a bra.

Going back downstairs, Steve was waiting in the kitchen for her with a thankful smile on his face.

Flora leaned into Steve's side, laughing. "We can't let you romance Nancy with my clothes all over, can we?"

"No way." Steve shook his head. "Come on, it's not a party without you."

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