You're Sleep Deprived And Snapped At Them

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I feel like this could have been better


She knew you weren't getting enough sleep and she asked about it once but you brushed her off, she tried to get you to take a nap but you got really mad at her and told her off. She felt like she did something wrong that made you upset so after awhile of cooling off she confronted you and said that she was sorry but was also still worried about you, you felt awful for making her feel like this so you guys comprised and now you take small naps.


You were starting to look like you never slept, and when she asked you what was up you got angry at her and told her it was none of her business and stopped talking to her for a day, after that day she texted you that you guys needed to talk. He told you about how he needs to know why you're so pissed off when he's done nothing wrong, you felt kinda bad and told him that you just haven't been getting much sleep recently which he understood but advised you to get some more sleep if you can.


You two were going on a walk when you started feeling a little irritated, they were trying to talk and walk but tripped and brought you down with them, you got mad and told them they needed to stop being so clumsy before you both end up dead and the rest of the walk was just silent. That is until they stopped and asked if you were mad at them, this made you stop and pause before you said no and that you were just tired, they seemed like they understood but asked you if you wanted to have a sleepover to ensure you get sleep, you agreed and you two fell asleep cuddling.

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