Stoners Unite

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"Like the average storm there are always clouds at the beginning of his lips and lightning in the form of fangs behind them."

"What." Brams stammered again, his heart hammering and canines growing fiercely at the two simple words that were said to him.

Rod gazed at Brams a moment, pushing his hand against the older's mouth with a intrigued look on his face, "you want to lick my blood don't you? So do it. I won't get creeped out. Done it before myself." He admitted, though, the person he'd participated in blood play with had left town around a year ago… without telling him.

He felt adrenaline source through his veins as Brams continued making eye contact while putting the tip of his tongue to the back of Rod's hand. Surprisingly, the inside of Brams's mouth was hotter than a steamed bath and rolled over his skin like a snake. Rod shivered as the softness trailed down to his wrist where a lot of the blood had gathered. Brams stopped for a second. It was almost painful to hold back every part of himself that wasn't human by now. His eyes begged to glow. Fangs wishing to be freed against the flesh they were so closely pressed.

"We've gotta get you cleaned up for your friends." Brams said with the utmost self control as he took Rod's hand away from his mouth slowly, "gimme the bandanna you got. I'll help."

Rod sat up from his daze, blinking away the beauty of Brams's intense eyes before taking out the cloth from his back pocket and handing it to the older. Brams took it and began to dab away the wetter bits of blood on Rod's chin and jawline with a lick of his warm spit. Blinking, Rod looked away from Brams and towards the door because he felt watched. Someone was looking in on them. It was none other than July RunningHawk. Her name was loaded with meanings she and Rod had spent an entire night high talking about before.

But the one meaning that stood out to him right now was the one that said, this woman is ready to pounce at any moment. She stood in waiting for Rod to give her the thumbs up so she could at least try to save him. From what it looked like to July, Rod was being antagonized by a new bully. Even though it wasn't true this time.

"Come on in homie. This guy is chill." Rod said out loud to her while he patted Brams's capable shoulders with his hands.

July crept in through the door and let it close behind her, "he's chill?" She whispered with an interested smile while walking towards them, "I just saw Kanji leave- he looked angry."

"Yeah this dude pissed in his Cheerios, you shoulda seen it July he was so so mad. This is Brams, my new tutor." Rod introduced, getting to his feet. He completely forgot about their bloody moment before, selectively because it brought back memories he'd rather forget.

Brams paused a minute before he stood up, still reeling from how delicious Rod tasted, how much he wanted more, wondering when the chance would occur again. For what Brams lacked in scent, he made up for by taste. His buds were designed specifically to pick up the underlying flavors of anything he ate ten fold. Like a Russian chocolate, Rod's blood melted in his mouth, skin delectable for its silky texture and divine warmth.

He turned around to lock eyes with July, feeling like a giant compared to her. She had curly blonde hair in ruffles at her forehead, ears, and neck that resembled nothing short of caramel. Her skin was pale, also freckled at the cheeks, hands, and shoulders. July was about as tall as Rod, if not an inch shorter, and held a petite body frame despite her sizeable chest. She looked at him with startlingly light blue orbs that appeared to see something he didn't.

Today she wore a pair of thigh-cut jean shorts, her cropped white tank top with a hook up bra underneath, and a pair of green Vans like Rod. July's legs were slender, filled with bruises and scrapes.

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