A Little Mayhem

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"At the edge of anxiety in a life that cannot be changed... drink, drink your heart out."

8:00 pm

York was mad at July usually because she payed more attention to Kido. But this time he'd really just imagined them plotting against him, got mad for no reason, and left the fire. York vaguely remembered saying that he'd meet them at July's house when they were done fornicating. Which the two hadn't been. And July telling him that going off on his own was a stupid idea because they weren't all under the protection Rod currently had.

York didn't care though. He had taken the rest of the brandy and a small can of beer. The beer itself was nestled in his hoodie pocket, and he held the bottle around its neck. Even if York was just beginning to get drunk and felt rather stoned, he was still ready to throw down if need be. Coming out of the woods and onto the road, York looked both directions groggily before crossing to the other side for generally no reason. He didn't know where he was going. York had always been a pack animal. So to be seperated, even by choice, felt really weird. He always found himself around one of the group. July, Kido, Rod.

His surroundings seemed scarier now, the alleys covered in shadow and shops devoid of people for the evening that was casting itself across GreyStone. Where did July live again? Crap. York continued walking even though he was beginning to get scared. Where did he live? York forgot that too. Double crap. Though, it didn't really matter if he remembered where he lived. York's parents had kicked him out early yesterday morning. Why? Well, York pushed those thoughts aside. He didn't need anymore. But still insisted on drinking down another shot of brandy. Indeed, it wasn't just July's lack of attention that set him off. No, York was having his own issues, just like Kido.

Aside from being kicked out, he'd been having nightmares of that day about a week ago. But the name carved into his abdomen was bigger. It was the name of Mayhem Strum. The guy was a beast, for sure, and that day when York had managed to get free of Gunner Dope, Mayhem was the one who'd caught him at the last moments before certain freedom. York's hand gravitated to the bandage and he cringed. Sure, the gang had their own troubles with the incident. They all shared a mutual trauma for it. But York's conflict was a little less likely to he understood.

He liked Mayhem. A lot. York was generally a straight man. He liked females, their minds, their bodies. But Mayhem looked like a girl, and had much more to offer than it seemed. The fact that it was Mayhem's name on his abdomen meant something to York, despite it being gruesome. He couldn't imagine why he liked someone that had been bullying him since middle school. But the crush, as he painfully admitted, started freshman year. Since the attack, York faught himself all the time about this development.

  He didn't like guys, he didn't find them attractive! So what Mayhem looked rather feminine? It shouldn't mean dip, right? York took another swig of brandy and made a crooked face at the sidewalk.

Mayhem was a tall, toned bodied male with pale skin. He sported bright, sapphire-blue eyes framed by straight,  waist-long locs of deep midnight-colored hair. His prominent features were masculine, sure, but rather softened in comparison to that of other Death Squad members.

York knew his affections would always go unnoticed, and didn't know how to get close to someone so hateful and dangerous to him. Unknowingly, York came to a stand still on the sidewalk in front of the opening of a dark alley. He was glaring towards a blurry stop sign up ahead. It's not like he could actually date anyone even if it wasn't Mayhem he fancied. A lot of the girls he'd asked out declined his court, simply turning away with their noses in the air. It hurt him. So he stopped trying about a few months ago and settled for unrequited love elsewhere. Did this mean he was bisexual? Or just a lonely hetero? York didn't know. He felt confused and most of all, lonely.

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