The Apartment

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"In the sense that God sees you, so does Satan."

Brams said nothing when Rod spoke of how his friends liked him. He didn't really care as long as they didn't keep him from seeing Rod. Weren't humans like that? He'd seen it play out in movies and real life, where the homies were more important than a significant other, or even another, lesser friendship. Brams smiled a little at Rod's suddenly perplexed expression. He should snap out of it. At this point they weren't dating for real, nor very good friends yet. But Brams couldn't help but to want a claim over him.

Rod was feeling a little relieved that he'd made a boundary about this fake relationship thing. It was definitely better to know for certain that they were going to be acting with each other, and Rod couldn't wait to make the Death Squad grossed out, uncomfortable, or both. He wondered why Brams had no reaction to being accepted by his friends and noted a second after the silence that Brams's face had changed. It was a little territorial now, and Rod didn't know how to react to that.

He looked away from the older and decided to ignore both the expression/vibe he was getting immediately, "so I have a studio apartment. We're gonna be sleeping in the same bed and using the same bathroom. You care?" He asked.

"Not at all." Said Brams while gazing ahead as well. He felt embarrassed to make Rod uncomfortable. It was the last thing he wanted to do. But at least it was a human thing.

"Good. I don't like big places so my crib is perfect for me. I hope you like it homie." Rod replied as he stepped over a fallen log and nearly tripped on the other side.

Brams helped steady him as he also made it across, "can't relate but it should be fine." He reassured. Brams liked having a large space to hang out in, from having been in the forest so long before, living in a cramped space might be difficult.

They continued traveling without saying much to each other. Rod was focused way too much on not falling down in his extremely stoned state. But he couldn't wait to get to the store for some snacks and other things he needed. He would then go back home to shower. After that, Rod decided he'd take a well deserved nap before his drug deal at 11. After that he'd wake up, eat, smoke, then sleep off and on for the rest of the night. Despite the mood they shared, Rod wondered if Brams would mind being a pillow again. Was that a good idea? He raised his brows at the thought and figured that it didn't really matter.

  A pillow was a pillow, and he wanted the coolness of Brams to keep him decent because his air conditioner had broken about a week ago and the mantinence were still avoiding the problem. Lost in thought, Rod ran straight into a tree before he could catch himself.

"Oof- ow, the fuck! I was so careful." Rod exclaimed while rubbing his forehead and poking at the tree like it meant something.

Brams stopped in his tracks and began to laugh fiercely, "what did the tree do to you Rod? Or were you giving it a kiss?" He asked, drinking the rest of his lemonade and crushing up the can to store in his hoodie pocket.

The sudden laughter was handsome enough to make Rod's ears twitch, just like when they'd first met, "mind your own business fam, this don't concern you." He snapped at Brams, who continued to chuckle as they began to walk once more.

Just ahead they came to a road that led to a nearby store called Garyland Groceries, which was just before town. Further down the block stood the neighborhood where FieldBrew Apartments were. Everything was connected here, and Rod liked that because he didn't need a car to get around places. They hadn't gone far from the school at all. Merely, just deep inside the woods. Now at the road with Brams, Rod led them towards the store confidently. Usually he was rather timid-looking with his shoulders hunched to make his body appear unnoticeable because of the Death Squad's presence. But currently, his senses just flowed with the sense of safety he felt no matter where they were together. Rod walked with straight, squared shoulders and a confidence that made Brams feel good. Made him feel like he caused a positive difference in someone's life.

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