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The merry band of youth had been in the classroom across from Mr. Hugo's long enough for most of the hallway to clear out. A lot of the students in Stoker High didn't hang around long enough to socialize or tease each other because they liked to do that outside. There were much more interesting things to do beyond the building walls of education.

As they continued in a small group, July stopped by her locker and took out a black backpack covered in pins, rips, and patches of all sorts. It had been used for many years Brams was sure. She passed it to Kido like it were a family heirloom which it might as well have been by appearance.

"What's inside the mystery bag today?" He asked while giving July her vape pen back and slinging the bag over his shoulder.

July winked at him as she whipped out a skater hat. It was designed with a ratty "fuck you" on the front in red with a midnight background. York snatched the accessory from Kido's hand and put it on with a pleased grin. Kido whined, pointing at him sadly as he gave puppy dog eyes to July.

"Shut up and hold the bag bitch this is my hat now." York barked happily, knowing that Kido was a bit too stoned to protest or even fight for the hat period.

Kido let out a low groan, "this is why I'm depressed and want to die. It's all your fault Bastard."

"Don't use my last name!" York snapped before smacking the back of Kido's head. He groaned even deeper in pain and disappointment.

Bastard was indeed York's last name. He didn't exactly remember how his family's heritage came to that conclusion. But he wasn't one for stories and didn't care about why. It was just funny during attendance, tests, and report cards as the school tried to censor his name. He didn't like people using his last name because it reminded him of his parents and their sins. Call him sensitive, but the word just hit too hard sometimes.

Rod stood back with Brams, dragging on his pen every now and then, "you got juice?" He asked July hoarsely. That last drag had really done a number on his throat.

"Yeah, plenty. You can have a few bottles if you have a twenty on yah." She answered as they began to walk on towards a corner which would then take them down another hall and out a side door to freedom.

Rod smiled a foggy, smoke-dispelling grin and nodded, "bet your ass chica, you've got a deal." He said, sauntering around the corner.

For once he didn't see any of the Death Squad around, as they usually waited to ambush them by the bathrooms or other empty classrooms. However, they also tended to wait outside, so Rod figured they weren't entirely safe yet. Despite that.. Rod felt like everyone was more laid back around Brams. Sure he was new. But he was big. It had to be reassuring to some extent. He liked the new vibe. Less anxiety meant less paranoia, and when high, that was very helpful to avoid.

Outside the sun beaded down across greener grass patches. There was a breeze, but a warm one that just barely touched leaves on some of the trees planted closeby. They walked down the sidewalk, crossed the road, and made way towards the dense woods without being tormented by anyone. Once at the treeline, Rod took a final look behind them to make sure no one was watching before entering the abyss of forest himself with Brams. Even high, he wanted to assure that their normal threats weren't taken lightly.

July led the way, and York brushed against Rod while pointing to one of the trees, "oi, it's your dick every time a hot girl passes by." He said, smirking.

"Not anymore." Rod replied, pulling Brams a little closer with his arm and smiling darkly at the other, "apparently Brams and I are an item now. At least, when we're around the Death Squad, anyway."

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