Summer of Dreams

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"Wow, I don't know what to say-I-Thank you!" I said stuttering. I can't believe I'm going to an island to learn! "Your flight leaves next week. It was good to see you Alora and have fun!" Mr. Laurent said. 

I walk out with a big smile on my face and walk home.  I see my Dad on our porch swing, asleep, with a coffee in one hand and a book in the other with his big fat glasses almost falling off. I take his glasses off and he woke up by that. 

"Hey Munchkin what's up?" My Dad asks. "Oh, you know the usual I got coffee and found out that I'm being sent to an island next week," I said trying to show I don't care but that failed. "That's right I heard about that from Principle Laurent a while ago. Are you sure you wanna go?" He asks. "Yeah, I think it will be fun!" I said.

"Well, Island girl how about some chips and salsa to celebrate?" He said proudly. We walk inside and have salsa and talked. After that, I walk up to my room and lay on my bed like a dead bird. Can you imagine me around this time next week I'll be on an island? 

"I can't believe you got picked out of everyone!" Josh said the next day. "Well better believe it!" I said sarcastically. "Well can I still text you or are you too cool for that now?" He said. "We can't have phones or technology," I said.

"Wow. I mean do you know who is going to be there?" He asked. "Well, I know for a fact four high schoolers got picked from around the world," I said. He sits down next to me. "I have something to tell you before you go." He said softly. "Yea of course," I said. 

All of a sudden I heard a shatter of glass. Someone dropped a mug. "Go, I have to go anyway! I'll find you before I leave!" I said.  I walked out of the café and made my way toward home. When I got there, I opened the mailbox to see a letter from Harvard. I applied not too long ago. My heart sank. 

I walked inside, closed the door, and tore open the letter. I'm waitlisted. Oh my God. A tear dropped from my cheek. " Dad! Dad! I got waitlisted!" I screamed and ran to him giving him a big hug. This is happing the summer of my dreams. 

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