Six Long Days After

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My annoying alarm clock woke me up. Today is the day. I'm so nervous. I finished packing my things and walked to The Café to get my coffee and say goodbye to Josh. I get there and get greeted with a big hug from him. "Stop being so sappy, it's only 3 months!" I said laughing. "What you're not going to miss me?" He said laughing. "I'm going to miss this coffee more," I responded. 

Josh rolled his eyes and pulled out a big bag of coffee grounds." Here, specially made for you!" He gives me the bag. "You know me so well!" I said dying of laughter. "I should probably go before my dad has a breakdown," I added. He walks me out and stops. I turn around confused. "What's wrong?" He gives me a big hug and tells me not to worry about it. 

I walk back home to see some green and pink streamers on my roof. I laugh. "Dad, you're making such a big deal out of it!" I shouted. "Your my only child let me spoil you brat!" He yells back. My mom died when I was one year old since then it's always just been me and my dad. I don't mind my Dad is a pretty cool guy. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you to the airport?" He asks. "No, I'm taking an Uber, because if you would go you probably will be a mess," I said struggling to get my bag downstairs. "Now when I'm gone don't stay home. Go out, party, meet people and so much more." I said. "Ok, mom!" He said sarcastically. I laugh. I'm going to miss this. 

"Now get out of here I'm sick and tired of looking at your face!" He said jokingly. "It's your face too you know!" I said while walking out the front door to my Uber. I never left France. Like I had small vacations to different parts of France but we couldn't do anything big because we couldn't afford it. 

We arrived at the airport. I wanted to get there two hours before boarding so I can stock up on stuff. I got five cherry cokes, vouge, a neck pillow, salt and vinegar chips, and white powdered doughnuts. 

I sat by my gate. There was hardly anyone there.  I'm not surprised we are going to an Island. 

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