4- Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot

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Koko and Kirishima are at their work study alongside Tamaki and their mentor, Fatgum. They are walking through the streets of the bustling busy city at night as Fatgum eats a tray of dumplings. Koko and Tamaki follows behind as Kirishima and Fatgum chat with each other.

"We've got idiots fighting on the streets non stop I can't eat enough to keep up. The agencies around here have been wanting a close combat fighter and a ranged power type for the longest time for the two of you are just what the doctor ordered" Fatgum says as he looks down at Kirishima.

"I promise I'll do my best. My internship agency doesn't take work study students so I really appreciate you taking me on" Kirishima says with a bright smile.

"Endeavour refused to take me on as a work study student with his son being there with me. I think that's for the best since he and I never saw eye to eye" Koko says as she looks at Tamaki.

"If only Mirio had been around when the two of you had come to see me. Your persistence was terrifying Kirishima" Tamaki says as he looks at the eccentric red headed boy.

"We're going to work on those delicate nerves of your Tamaki and then you'll be worth your weight in gold" Fatgum says to the timid elf eared student.

"Your expectations of me only drag me deeper into despair" Tamaki says as he attempts to pull his hood over his head more, "it's always like this. I swear the man only took me on to make fun of me. I want to go home".

"Maybe Fatgum's trying to encourage you. That's what mentor's are supposed to do" Koko says as she holds Tamaki's arm.

"I'm not like you, Kirishima or Mirio. Positivity isn't my strong suit" Tamaki says as he looks at her.

"I completely get it. Sometimes when things get crazy, I feel useless as well. There's a gap between me and my classmates which is only getting bigger and bigger. I'm doing my best to close that gap so I can fight beside them" Kirishima says happily.

"Kiri, not helping" Koko says as she looks at Kirishima.

"That entire sentence was filled with positivity first year" Tamaki says as he glares at Kirishima.

They continue to walk when they hear shouting in the distance. The four of them drop everything they're speaking of they sprint over. Fatgum stands in front of a group of criminals trying to run off as he hugs them into him. One of them uses his quirk and manages to slip away.

"Oops, looks like we have a runner. Seems like he's got a similar quirk to Edgeshot" Fatgum says as he looks back at the criminal.

"Stand back Koko, I've got this" Kirishima says as he stands in front of Koko.

He's about to go for the guy when tentacles appear in front of him and wrap the guy up. The two students look to their left and see a very intimidating looking Tamaki stood with his arm outstretches, tentacles forming from the tips of his fingers.

"Who's this freak?" the criminal asks as he looks at Tamaki.

"That's just harsh" Tamaki says as his shoulders droop.

"Come on man, he's just a dirt bag criminal" Kirishima says trying to cheer Tamaki up.

"Don't let it get to you" Koko says as Tamaki pulls the man towards him.

He hits the man with a shell hand as the whole crowd stares in awe of Tamaki's power. Tamaki draws his foot upwards and steps on the man, slamming him into the ground with a chicken foot.

"Clams are good for offence and defence" Tamaki says as he admires his clam hand, "they're very handy so I try to incorporate them into my diet everyday. I guess the wings were overkill".

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