14 (dylan)

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i've never wanted to hit someone more than i do right now.
i burst into my room, slamming the door behind me.
fuck him. fuck him for not telling me. fuck him for letting me believe he was innocent. just fuck him.
it's officially winter break. no school. thank god.
i throw my bag down on my bed and strip my clothes, and hop into the shower.
will i ever truly get over this? that's he's a liar? god i wanted to hit him. i'm starting to think that's the only thing that will help. me hitting him.
i replay a scene of my swinging on him while drying off and inspect my side.
the purple and blue bruise surrounding teeth marks have deepened, so i just smacked 7 or 8 bandaids on the cuts and left it.

my phone has been going crazy. no surprise the texts are from eddie
eddie: im sorrrryu. pleasde forgive mr.
eddie: im drubnk.
eddie: im bery sorry
they go on like that for a while.
all horribly misspelled.
i'll leave him hanging until he's sober. for now, i'll just fantasize about punching him.

        .                      .                           .                       .

i woke up in the morning feeling shitty.
my entire body is stiff and sore, my side bruised and knuckles cut up.
a bajillion messages from eddie were left on my phone, but i ignored all of them.
i don't think he understands the word distance. or time.
i'm still unbelievably mad.
but the last straw is when jason shows up at my door.

"dylan, i take it you and eddie broke up."

"why do you care?" i spat.

"who do you think even told ellie about you two?" a smug grin plastered on his face.

all i see is red the moment i swing on him, and i throw in a kick to his dick.

"jesus christ, what the hell?" he says, clutching his nose.

"fuck, it's hurts punching people." i say. shaking my hand.

"you're insane." he says, quickly retreating to his car.

i slam the front door shut and walk to the kitchen, letting the warm water from the sink wash over my hand.

"woah, what happened dyl?" kyle asks.

"a girl last night, and i punched jason."

"good for you." he says, pulling corn puffs out of the pantry.

                .                    .                    .                     .

it had stated to rain, pretty hard, so naturally i stole a tub of ice cream and went upstairs to my room, completely devouring icecream.

i spend some time bandaging my side and my hands, then just pass out in my bed for a couple hours.
by the time i'm awake it's 7:30, and my moms knocking on my door.

"did you just wake up?" she asks, sitting on the corner of my bed with dinner.

"yeah. what's that?" i ask, trying to peek inside the brown bag.

"i got you some food. a burger and fries." she says, and i hungrily snatch the bag and chow down on the food.

"sorry i've been kind of distant. boy stuff." i say, stuffing my face.

"tell me all about him. i was hoping you'd finally date again, especially after sean." she says, scooting closer to me.

oh god, she's mentioning sean. he was my ex boyfriend, who got violent with me a couple times, that's all i'll say about that.

"we're kind of off right now. we got into a fight." i say, shoving a french fry in my mouth.

"why?" she asks, genuine curiosity in her voice.

"well, there's this girl who i hate, and he was um, friends with her, and he lied to me about it."

"well, boys are dumb. they don't think about these things honey. men don't think things through." she says.

"but it's not okay to lie to me about it."

"if you really like this boy, you'll give him a second chance. if not, then let it go. it's up to you." she says, and pats my head.

i ponder over this while eating the rest of my food.

eddie: i can't think about anything other than you.

ew. i throw my phone down and start a new movie, as it slowly starts to get dark.

at 10:30, i decide to head up to the store and re stock on junk food.
but when i open the front door to leave,

Eddie Munson is standing on my doorstep

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