My Neighbor Minho

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Hyunjin pushed his hair out of his face and hit the elevator button again. He was irritable- hadn't eaten enough at lunch and missed too many steps in dance practice. Felix kept reminding him that his rut would be coming soon as well, which was always a rough time. People were constantly surprised that he was an Alpha. Apparently, he was too slim and quiet, didn't throw his weight or scent around enough to make it obvious.

The doors finally opened and he stepped in, pressing the button to his floor. Another boy rushed in seconds before the doors closed and he analyzed him carefully. It wasn't anyone he'd seen before, but he didn't press another floor number so he must be living on the same floor that Hyunjin did.

He had baggy black joggers on with a similarly colored oversized shirt. Black hair hung in his eyes and one pale hand covered his nose and mouth. He could be crying.

"Uh hey... are you alright?" the taller asked, stepping forward a little. He tried to pull his scent back since he couldn't tell right away what secondary the boy was. If he was another Alpha the scent press would only upset him further.

The head lifted, swinging dark hair out of wide eyes. Hyunjin couldn't step back fast enough. The scent that hit him was definitely Omega. Sweet praline. Intoxicating- just as evolution had meant it to be. The Omega was in heat.

"Oh shit." He covered his own nose, feeling his chest rumble. His Alpha was excited- which was not good. "Hey listen, don't run when you get out. It'll make my Alpha chase you."

The boy's voice came heavy through his pinched fingers "Of course. I'm not an idiot."

"Well, you were outside on your heat and now you've trapped yourself in an elevator with an Alpha. I wasn't given a lot to prove otherwise."

Those eyes were back on him- his Alpha stupidly preened under such attention.

"Fuck you. How was I supposed to know you were an Alpha? You look like a Beta to me."

It stung. He was filled with the insane urge to SHOW him how much of an Alpha he was, but he made sure to shut that thought down as soon as it appeared. Those were predatory Alpha thoughts. Still, the jerk didn't have to rile him up.

"Oh, and you look like an Omega?" it was a cheap shot towards the stocky man, very against his usual character. He was just too charged, too hurt by the other's comment and he wanted him to know how it felt.

A whimper shocked the silence. The man had his throat bared. Hyunjin tried to take a step towards him, but he grabbed the railing behind himself just in time. The Omega did the same, having to take the hand off his face to stop himself from coming closer, pale fingers pinking with the force of his grip.

"You fucking, idiot." He gasped. But he could barely hear the insults, he only saw that pretty mouth moving.

"Stop talking... Jesus." The rise and fall of the Omega's chest was enough already, but all those breathy words sounded too much like sex to his Alpha. He was hit with another wave of praline and right as a hand released so he could get closer, the doors opened.

The Omega turned down the corridor, not running- but walking much too fast. His heart rabbited in his chest, Alpha screaming 'GIVE CHASE! GIVE CHASE!'

He only seemed to blink and then he had the sweet-smelling Omega in his arms.


"What the hell are you doing?"

"I told you not to go so fast."

He was pretty from so close, Hyunjin had to take back his earlier jibe. The man was definitely an Omega. Long lashes surrounded wide cats' eyes, full pinked lips on skin like smooth velvet. Even the glare he was sporting seemed delicate and lovely.

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