My Beta

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Jisung was swinging in through the front door, multiple bags obscuring his view.

"I'm back baby! This time I brought healthy snacks since I know you're trying NOT to get fat- even though I think you'd be really cute all chunky." Jisung set the bags onto the counter, only noticing Hyunjin sitting on the couch as he stood.

"Hey, nice you see you again."

"Oh. Hey. Hyunjin right?"

"Yeah, and you're Jisung."


They stared at each other awkwardly, until Minho came back from using the bathroom, saving them both. "Sungie! Hey!"

"Hey baby." They embraced, the Beta watching the Alpha over his shoulder to see his reaction. Surprisingly, there was no overprotective flush of scent. The Alpha barely looked over.

"I didn't know you had someone over, I invited Jeongin and Seungmin too."

"Really? You're just inviting people over to my place now?"

"They aren't people babe, they barely qualify as human."

They giggled, joining Hyunjin on the couch, Minho sitting between the two.

"Are we going to have time to watch a movie?"

"It's possible."

Minho tapped the taller's knee. "Feel like a movie?"

Hyunjin blushed, barely smelling like cream. Jisung had to fight his Beta just to keep his own scent of suspicion down. What the hell had his best friend done to the poor Alpha?

"Yeah. I haven't seen one in a while."

"Cool! We'll throw on a funny one as soon as the boys get here. They always run late. Hungry?" he bounced up, rummaging through the bags on the counter and prepping some carrots for dip.

Jisung slid a little closer, pulling Hyunjin's doe-eyed gaze over at the motion. "Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh. The smell? Yeah, I attacked Minho when I started my rut, but I shut my Alpha away so that I wouldn't do anything bad."

Jisung had been tipping his head back for a nice refreshing gulp of soda, but at the admission, all of the sugary liquid slid out of the sides of his mouth. His throat refused to move.

"I'm sorry... I have really loud voices in my head and they might've been talking over you. Can you say that one more time?"

"Oh, uh, my Alpha tried to attack him during rut yesterday-"

"Yesterday morning? When I met you?" he'd turned his body, wiping the sweetness off of his chin with the sleeve of his grey sweatshirt.

"Yeah. Oh- yes right after you left. My Alpha was jealous. It was stupid." He smiled, tapped his thumbs against each other.

The Beta glanced back into the kitchen where Minho was humming and rinsing the carrots in the sink. He slid even closer, whispering "Okay. Okay well- I'm really sorry about your Alpha being shitty and everything, but please for the love of God don't ever say stuff like that in front of our other friends. Chan is- he's really good, but his Alpha is powerful and a little fucked up. Seungmin's got a pretty strong leash on his, but he's very partial to Minho, and I think he's been protecting him since they were five or something crazy like that. And Jeongin? He'll tell you to call him Innie which, I know, very cute- he looks the part too- but, he's young and a little wild. I'm the only normal friend Minho has- so far. And I'm just looking out for you. Never admit to putting Minho in danger to any of them."

Hyunjin nodded, folding his arms tightly over his flat stomach. "Seungmin and Innie are Alphas too?"


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