Chapter 4: new aquaintences

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She woke up feeling guilty. She gazed back at her tail. It was still weird-looking. She was scared it would happen again. What caused it anyway? She thought to herself. "Hey! Your awake! How ya feeling?" Foxy said happily. "I should be the one asking you that." She said as she looked at his bandaged body. "Oh, well it stings but other than that I'm fine! I'm just glad you didn't hurt my wings too bad!" He said as he jumped in the air. She was jealous of foxy. She looked at him soar through the air. He looked like he was enjoying himself. She just wished she could fly like him. She looked at her wings. As of now they are just a useless extra baggage. Foxy landed in front of her. "Why the long snout?" " oh it's nothing. I just wish I could fly like you."she said to him. He looked behind her, at her wings. "Ya know? You have wings just like I do! I could teach you how to fly." "You can?!?!" Her tailed started to wag. "Yep! If you want we could start right no-" he was cut off by a kind a energetic squeaky voice. "Foxy! There you are!" She was a short haired cat. She had spots all over her. "Oh hi Ara!" "This is Ara?" Moonlight said pointing at the cat. "Yep!" Foxy said. "I was expecting her te be a little... taller." "Hey! That's offensive!" Said Ara. "Oops sorry." She apologized. "Hmpf! You better be!" She's a sassy fella isn't she. She said sarcastically in her mind. "So what are we doing today?!" She said excitedly. " oh I was about to teach Moonlight here, how to fly!" He said pointing to her. "But what do you want to do?" "Oh! Oh! I want to go chase the squirrel over there!" She replied before zooming over to the squirrel. Foxy looked at Moonlight with a shrug and then joined Ara. Moonlight sighed. I guess I'm not flying today. She sat down watching the two of them chase the squirrel. Ya know, Ara is kinda cute. She started to doze off, then remembered what happened last time she fell asleep. "Well I'm going to go get some food. See ya." Moonlight yelled at them. "Okay!" She decided not to go to the hospital dumpster this time. It's been way too long since I've had fresh food. How about I try to catch a rabbit in the forest? Yeah that sounds like a good plan. She ran over to the forest. There are so many new smells out here. She doesn't go to the forest very often, and the scents started to flood her nose. Some off them smelt familiar. They reminded her of... a strange wolf. She had the longing to meet them. Who is she? What is this feeling I'm getting? It's... warm. She looked toward the sky trying to remember how she knew this wolf. It reminded her of how she imagined home to feel like. Home... Get your head out of the gutter! Focus, food. She looked around. The forest seemed empty. She sniffed the air. Smells like... rabbit? She followed the scent to a small brown rabbit. She got lower on her paws the closer she got. Now! She pounce on the rabbit grabbing it and shaking it in her teeth. "Goth ith!" She said, her voice muffled by the snack in her mouth. She ran back to city, following the scent of oil, and trash. She saw the small cat slowly climb her way up a tree, still chasing the snarky squirrel. Foxy was on the ground, growling playfully at it. She walked a little closer. "Feems ike vat scurl ish gibing you two a harb thime." Foxy looked at her. "What?" They both say, Ara falling off the tree after the squirrel tickled her nose with his tail. She put the rabbit down " I said looks like that squirrel is giving you two a hard time, and judging from what I just saw, I would say my suspicion was correct." She said jokingly. "Ooh fresh food!" Foxy said drooling at the rabbit. "NO. If you want fresh food, than go hunt it yourself. Your a fox, aren't you like a master hunter or something?" Moonlight said. "Aw." Foxy said. Moonlight walked back to the alleyway to munch on her food.

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