Chapter 5: The calling

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Every night she would have the same dream. This strange voice, it was oddly comforting yet terrifying. It sounded like a hushed whisper. It was almost like it was trying to lure her somewhere. "Come back. Come back home to me." All she could see was white. It felt like she was stuck in a state of oblivion. Nothingness. It was numbing. She couldn't feel her legs or tail. It was like they never existed, She could only hear the voice. She woke up sweating. It's phappened too frequently. It must mean something. But... what? She thought about the words she was somehow able to make out. "Come back home to me" home. The thought crossed her mind. What did it mean by that? Come back home? But as far as she knew, she was home. Unless... that den. It seemed like a distant memory almost. Although she didn't remember creating that memory. It felt nostalgic. Is that my home? No it couldn't be. I spent all my life here! ...right? Half of her mind was saying that that was all just a fantasy she had, the other half saying it was real. She looked at the sky. It was still dark out. She looked around. Foxy was asleep, kicking his feet in a running motion while whimpering. It took her mind off of the 'home' situation. "I'm going zoo cash you! Ya ztinkin rabbit!" He said drowsily, obviously still asleep. You catch that rabbit now. She said mentally, looking at the fox. She laid her head down and slowly drifted into a dream-less slumber. After what felt like only a few moments, she felt herself being violently shaken by soft paws. Her eyes struggled to adjust to the daylight. She saw the light, signaling to her that it was morning. "W-what is it?" She said still waking up. " I want to teach you how to fly!" He said, still shaking the poor wolf. "After we eat." She said drowsily. " ugh fine!" He said letting go of Moonlight. She heard him trotting away. About three minutes passed when she heard something running towards her. She looked up to see foxy running towards her, a half-eaten hotdog in his mouth. "Here! Eat! Now!" He said dropping the hotdog in front of her. "Where did you get this?" She said sitting up. " I just snagged this from a guy walking on the sidewalk. Now, eat!" He said stuffing the hotdog in her mouth. She choked for a bit, than hesitantly swallowed it, shuddering at the sensation of being released from it's chokehold. "Never do that again." She said in a calm, irritated voice. "Sorry! Jeez." He said looking away. "But now that your done eating, let's go!" He said as he grabbed her arm and dragged her to an empty parking lot. "So first things first-" he said to a now awake Moonlight. "You gotta spread your wings, really wide!" He said as he spread his wings out as far as he could. Moonlight followed after him. "Then after that you push your wings down really hard while jumping to lift yourself off of the ground." He said. "Now, you try it!" He said to her. " um,ok" she pushed her wings down and jumped in the air but nothing happened. She just fell on the ground with a thud. "Oww." She moaned. "Push harder and jump higher" he corrected. " she tried about two more times then she finally got it. "W-what do I do now?!" She yelled quickly as she tried to stop herself from falling. "Flap your wings very fast!" He said as he joined her in the air. She flapped as hard as she could, only airborne for a few more seconds before falling to the ground. "Dang it! I-I can't do it. Maybe I'm not meant to fly." She said sadly. "Of course your meant to fly!" He said, landing beside her. "You wouldn't have been born with wings if you weren't meant to use them." He said in a comforting tone. "Maybe I'll never learn to fly." She said all hope draining from her body. "It's only a matter of time before you get it right!" he said trying to comfort her. She sighed. "Let's just go home." She said as she started to make her way back to the broken box.

MOONLIGHT: the lost pupحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن