Chapter 3: Beyond the Grassy Vale

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"What if we're recognised?" She asked feebly. They'd come to a stop at a small clearing in the woods, the Wendwater river flowing through the foliage and trees offering them somewhere to dampen their thirst and wipe their faces clean. "You said we've nearly reached Grassy Vale, there'll be no woods there. Our movements won't be veiled. No hiding." Her eyebrows knitted together with concern as she watched her brother supping water from the river. It proved difficult with only one hand, but he managed nonetheless.

"The Red Keep is destroyed, Kings Landing is destroyed." He gazed at her. "I don't think anyone will be looking for us, we'd be presumed dead like the thousands of others left burning in the city."

"Perhaps we were a little premature in cleansing our faces." She glanced down at her fresh hands, the dirt and grime washed away with some effort as they knelt on the riverbank. "It might have helped."

"By all means, smear it back on if you'd like-"

"Don't." She hissed, preemptively.

"Don't what?" His face twisted, not knowing why she'd turned so suddenly.

"Don't do that." Their eyes met. "Don't make me feel stupid, like I don't know what I'm talking about."

"Cersei, if you think dirt will help-"

"I am Queen of the Seven Kingdoms." She growled with ferocity before her face deadened in seconds. Her words were more subdued now. "I...was Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Many people know my face, they know what I look like."

"Alright." He held his dripping hand out, an attempt to keep the peace upon noting her clear distress. "I hear you." Scooping a handful of muck from beside where he knelt, he moved it towards her. "Here, cover your hair, that's the most telling detail about you. If thats darkened, nobody will take a second glance on suspicion that you're Cersei Lannister."

"And you?"

"I think I'll be okay, mine has greyed early. I am no longer a golden lion. You and the army of the dead saw to that." He made a small joke referring to the growing absence of blonde on his scalp. Instead it was slowly being replaced with darker shades of grey. Feeling satisfied when her mouth curled into a weak smile, he couldn't help but notice her eyes still look troubled.

He watched her for a few minutes, pasting the dirt and grit through her short golden locks. He imagined she wouldn't be enjoying this one single bit and he was correct. Aside from being held prisoner by the High Sparrow, his sister had never had to know grime, dirt or hunger before. He would have to remind himself of this along their journey. To be patient with her. She knew of a different slew of horrors though, ones he would never have to endure or experience. Held in marriage captivity for nearly fifteen years to a great big bear of a man. He'll never forget the sight of them, she was nineteen years old being married off to this giant man of six feet and six inches tall. He towered over her small frame. The torment he subjected her to during their marriage was enough to have made Jaime's blood boil, even now. The things he wished he'd done to make him pay for it.

"I'm hungry." Her delicate voice shook him from his violent revenge thoughts.

"That makes two of us." Rising to his feet he stared ahead into the abyss. "Grassy Vale is close. By the time we reach the end of the woods the sky will be darkening again. We'll find food there, I promise." He turned to face her, the blackened hair making her almost unrecognisble.

"And once we reach Highgarden, then what?"

"Tyrion told me he planned to head there for only two days on his way back to Casterly Rock without his grace knowing. The Queen has ordered him to organise her remaining men at the Rock and bring them back to the Capital." He didn't catch it but her skin ran cold with goosebumps at his mention of The Queen. That was her not two days ago. A Queen. The Queen. And now she travelled fearing for her life, mud coating her hair and dressed in a thieves clothes still stained and stinking of his sweat and blood. Jaime had carefully concealed the reddened patches with his hand crafted belt so as not to cause suspicion from civilians in the lands they were about to travel. "Jon Snow is taking the Kings Road to Harrenhal, the remaining Starks are joining him there before he escorts them back into Kings Landing for Daenerys' coronation. Tyrion doesn't know we made it out alive, once we've spoken with him, he'll know what to do."

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