Chapter 11: The Eye of the Storm

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At long last, they stumbled upon the alcove. A fork of lightning had illuminated the sky and the surrounding lands for just enough time for Brienne to get her bearings. She led them there, battling the ever worsening elements. More shelter was offered between the trees but the growing fear of one tumbling down on them was extremely present until finally the large stone formations had come into view up ahead. She would have called it a cave but it led nowhere, just an extremely deep hollow between a gathering of massive rocks that made for a good shelter. With some protest from Jaime, she'd freed their prancing mare. Giving her the freedom she so desperately craved to flee. Tying her wasn't an option, she'd squeal and whinny and bring any passing attention this way. As soon as the weather eased, the pair would be on foot for the rest of the way.

Tyrion's words had stayed with her, still replaying clearly in her mind as they all sat silently under the cover of the rocks. It was a large space, dry, free of wind, rain and the noise of the outside horrors. She'd placed a small lantern in the centre, offering them a source of light and some small amount of warmth but not enough brightness to attract attention of anyone nearby. On that front, they should be safe. Glancing towards the pair, she noted Cersei was still chilled to the bone. Her whole body rattling in the soaked clothes she wore. Jaime was close to her, a look of utter defeat in his eyes. Almost the same look as when he'd lost his hand and he seemed to give up. Her blue eyes moved down to their wrists, hers were red raw and bleeding under the tightness of the rope and only Jaime's left was affected. The gold hand unscathed.

"As soon as the storm passes we'll set off and you'll be bound again." Getting to her feet, she approached the twins where they sat slumped against the rocks, her figure positively looming over them. In one quick movement, she cut Cersei's hands free. The moment the rope fell away she rubbed at them as if trying to soothe the pain, blood smearing across her angered skin. Brienne noted that she'd been silent the whole way. Not a word nor noise leaving her lips. Turning her attention to Jaime, she motioned to cut his too before holstering the knife with a stony look. "Not you, I don't trust you." She straightened her posture before moving back to where she'd previously rested and sat herself down again.

That was her first, if only, mistake.

The moment Brienne had ignored Tyrion's advice and succumbed to her anger, the fleeting exchange between this large knight and her brother had sparked a notion in Cersei's head. And like a lioness with a weakened animal of prey, she'd toy with it, torturing it for sport until she grew bored. She wouldn't let this go. Glancing at Jaime, she studied his face silently as he stared at Brienne. A sorry look on his face. A look she knew all too well. It was the same look he'd given her when Joffrey died, when Myrcella died and when he finally returned after his capture. His face was too telling sometimes, he was the emotional one and she the apathetic one. Her gaze flickered over to Brienne, she was sharpening her sword, ignoring Jaime's pleading looks. Something had happened between them at Winterfell, it was so blatantly obvious.

This woman before them was everything Cersei wasn't, yet everything she craved to be in a strange way. Which made this slight against her all the more painful. Manipulation, sex, wit and cunning were Cersei's weapons of choice. That's all she'd ever been equipped with to battle her own wars. She was no fighter, she couldn't wield a sword, axe or lance. She was petite and slender, taught to smile, please and curtsy. All her life she'd craved the power her twin brother and father had. Nobody questioned them, nobody dared. But Cersei? Even as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms men still asserted their false right to counsel her. To refuse her. To expect sexual payment and favours from her. Tywin Lannister didn't have to justify his plans to anyone, he ordered and people obeyed. Jaime never had to fuck someone in order to overpower them, he simply had to threaten them or demand it from them. Cersei had no such power. Even in the seat of highest power possible, she never truly had any. But even more so now. The last few days had frightened her. She couldn't use her finely tuned skills to survive this type of world. Jaime was her only protection now and it rattled her to her core to be so completely dependent. She was helpless. A lamb, not a lioness. It pinched at her heart to know that this strong, self-reliant woman escorting them had caught the eye of her brother. He'd never strayed before and here they were, the three of them holed up in a cave together. When she first met Brienne in King's Landing, she sensed she held some sort of flame for Jaime but she didn't feel intimidated by this fact. In terms of beauty and sex appeal, Cersei won in that category but Brienne possessed an inner beauty that Cersei could never hold a candle to. She was dignified, pure-hearted, moral and honourable.

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