Chapter 6: The Last of the Lion Pride

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*It's probably quite obvious but I take details from both the show and the books :) Also, to those of you who are new to my fics/writing, I always like to put a little disclaimer out there...none of my chapters ever have any planning. At all. I free write everything I post, so until I start typing each chapter I have no idea where the fic is heading either. Very risky but it's how I work lol Enjoy chapter 6!*

Reaching them felt as though he'd been walking for a thousand leagues. His face twisting with concern and his heart positively racing with each nearing step. Bronn was only two paces behind. Tyrion could foresee an issue arising here.

"Don't harm them." He demanded across the stony courtyard, forcing his legs to move as fast as possible. There were two armed swordsmen stood beside his siblings, their hands on the hilts of their blades and their faces displayed only pure excitement at the unexpected fugitive guests.

"I don't think that's your call to make, Lannister." Behind him, Bronn embellished the name Lannister coldly. "Or are you forgetting who's house you're in now?" Tyrion kept his concentration on the men before him. They were so ready to fight the submissive duo. "Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't hand these two over to our new Queen? I bet she'd cough up a nice bit of coin, especially for that one." He gestured his dagger towards Cersei, her frame low and hunched beside an extremely unwell looking Jaime.

"Yes." Tyrion breathed, hoping his way with words would be enough once more to spare their lives. "Or, she could burn all of you alive like the rest of the population in King's Landing." He remarked, finally turning to look at him. "She's not overly fond of sell-swords and murderers. How well do you think she'd receive you and your clan of misfits?" Tilting his head to the side, he waited for a response but got none. Instead, he turned his tone to a nostalgic one, hoping to appeal to Bronn's more human-side. If it even existed. "When I first met you, I didn't even know you and you were willing to die for me. You can't pretend there's no friendship here." He blinked sadly. "For old-time's sake, please, let them take refuge." There was a short silence as Bronn's gaze flickered from Tyrion's pleading eyes to the sorry image of the twins slumped before him. Jaime was unresponsive, wheezing on his back and dripping with a feverous sweat whilst Cersei remained close to him, nervous under the gaze of these threatening men to the sides of her.

"Anyone comes here looking for them, don't think for a second I'll fight to keep them alive." He warned starkly. "I'll lead them straight in. I'm done risking my neck for Lannister cunts." He sheathed his dagger before giving the other two men the signal to back off. Tyrion was almost certain his breath of relief was heard by all.

"Thank you, a L-"

"I don't wanna hear that bloody Lannister saying, so you needn't fucking bother." He thumbed his men to help get the twins to their feet. "Get them inside, they can spend the night with this one." He pointed at Tyrion. There was no effort to be gentle with them. Tyrion couldn't help but wince at the way they yanked his brother from the ground, and they positively pulled his sister's arm from it's socket. He couldn't protest though, he knew Bronn would just have his men drop them where they were and then it was up to a single dwarf to try and get them up the spiralled staircases to his temporary quarters.

"They need a maester and a good hot meal-" Tyrion began once they were inside his room. It was large but ransacked by soldiers and left to decay this way until Bronn took up residence. In the centre against the main wall there was a large marital bed with huge hanging canopies around the frame. Straight ahead there was a balcony that overlooked the vast grounds of Highgarden and off to the right through a narrow walkway there was a large bathing area, tiled and magnificent. The room was decorated with dark, wooden furniture. An earthy yet regal feel to it. The flowers decorating each corner were withered and dried. Probably since the last time Jaime was actually here, to kill Lady Olenna.

The Lions and the WolvesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant