Chapter 8: The Moment of Truth

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This chapter is quite long-winded, I apologise in advance. I feel as though I ramble sometimes. I'm a little delayed in updating because I was about 5000 words in and my wifi cut out, my last save was at around 2000 words, I nearly cried and had to type it all over again from memory. I hope it's somewhat enjoyable and not too disjointed now! I have an idea of where I want the next chapter to head but I'm scared to take the plunge, I understand it to be a widely discussed fan theory and I would hate to anger/upset people so I don't know whether I'll do it, give me some hints if you'd like or dislike a strayed path. Also, it's worth noting that for my fic, Cersei is roughly 16-20 weeks pregnant. Thanks for reading!

He explained to her in as much detail about Jon's imminent arrival as he could, as expected she hadn't taken the news well. A great deal of insults were hurled, mostly about Tyrion but luckily he'd escaped the room before she started her tirade of abuse. Exactly why Jaime had warned him away. In the hours since then, he'd managed to calm the situation and once again re-convinced her that Tyrion had not betrayed them but in fact saved them. For a second time. They remained cooped in the refuge of the room, the eyes outside of this safe space were too many and the risk too high. Bronn was keeping them here, yes. But hospitably? No, not at all. It was a case of get your own food, your own drink - which he was totally reluctant to share - and tend to your own needs. Honestly, Cersei hadn't minded so much. She was more untrusting than ever now and the less people she had to deal with, the better. Especially with the sort of company Bronn kept.

"That's not too warm?" She asked him as she ran her fingers gently through the water, her voice smooth like honey. The large in-ground bath was filled to the halfway mark. His wound couldn't be completely submerged, just gently cleansed with a wet sponge, so he'd have to make do with his upper body being neglected by the piping water.

"The warmer, the better." Flinching at his own actions, he stopped pulling the bandages for a brief moment. The wound was deep and long, the sewn skin looked as angry as ever. Clean and much less infected, but still angry. "Bloody Greyjoy cunt." He muttered angrily under his breath, jumping slightly when he felt her warm fingers brush at his lacerated skin, assessing it for herself. The bath was filled and steaming. The blue veined, white marble tiles underfoot and climbing the walls were coated in condensation, only adding to the warm sticky environment. It was nearing late afternoon and the sun was beginning it's journey downwards in the sky, accompanied by a flurry of clouds that threatened a light shower. Tyrion had still not returned but Jaime had half expected him to show up drunk and staggering any moment.

"Euron did this?" Her question caught him off guard as he started peeling the last of the silk away from his body. But he couldn't answer her for fear of growing angry, he took Tyrion's words from earlier quite seriously and would prefer there to be no arguing tonight. "Jaime?"

"It doesn't matter who it was, they're dead now." He finally pulled the silk away, the final part had been clinging to his weeping wound. The look in her eyes told him she knew exactly what had happened. "He got in my way and all I cared about was getting back to y-." Before he could finish his sentence, she snaked her hand around the back of his neck and pulled him down to her lips passionately. He verbalised his surprise with an audible grunt. Their mouths and tongues joined in a rush as she sensually nipped at his lower lip with her teeth before releasing and pulling back a fraction. He pressed his forehead to hers, nuzzling into her, not quite satisfied with where the embrace had stopped. She was directly in front of him, her palms running up his sides now, careful not to be too rough over his sewn wound. She could feel his hand on her hip whilst the golden paw rested symmetrically on the other one. Gently, he was pulling her into him with an insatiable hunger. The pair of them were breathing faster with arousal before she fluttered her eyes open and her silken voice rippled between them.

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