Chapter 7: The End of the World

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When Tyrion woke the next morning he felt every bone in his body aching. The chair he'd snoozed on offered very little comfort, even to someone of his size. Stretching out slowly, he was faced with the ashes of his burnt out fire, the sun creeping in through the veils of white curtain framing the entrance to the balcony. His eyes took a moment to adjust to the light, sleep clinging to him desperately. Jaime was still in what looked to be a deep slumber, the space next to him where Cersei had lay was empty, the blankets still strewn where she'd nested beside him overnight. Tyrion had stirred a few times during his slumber as Cersei tossed and turned throughout the evening. Their food remained untouched on the cabinets, cold and darkened with the hours passed. Both had been too tired and concerned to eat but he feared if Jaime woke to find Cersei in a bad way, he wouldn't be overly pleased. Cracking his knees and elbows, he shrugged away the sleep and slid down from the chair. The moment he began making his way across the floor, he saw her silhouette on the balcony, the rising sun a glorious back drop for her ethereal beauty. She looked peaceful. He watched her for only a few short seconds before joining her, the morning's air waking him instantly. It was fresh and biting, his cheeks and nose instantly at it's mercy. But in the sun, there was a beacon of warmth cascading down over them. Over the grounds and the trees and the flowers below. It was magnificent.

"Jaime looks well, the fever seems to have passed." He almost beamed. "He's through the worst of it."

"I found myself watching him all night, just waiting for him to slip away without me knowing. Go some place where I couldn't follow him." She smoothed her palms over the grey stone finish of the overlook. "As soon as the sun starting to rise I felt like I could breathe again."

"You didn't eat." His stomach rumbled right as he spoke. "Neither did I and apparently I'm ravenous." He stole a glance at her but she was still and quiet, something she seemed to be quite a lot as of late. "I'll find us some breakfast, no doubt Jaime will be hungry when he wakes." He rubbed his hands together, not at all surprised by her lack of answer before he turned and left. She felt so safe here, so secluded and protected she never wanted to leave but this was a feeling she'd never have a again. Once they left here they were walking prey once more, fighting and battling for survival. That word kept replaying in her mind. Was it really living if they were just surviving? She wanted her babe to grow up, fall in love with the world around her. Laugh, play and find passions in her life. She wanted Jaime to be a father this time, to hold their daughter, dote on her and protect this tiny human with all his might, the way he protected her. The taste soured in her mouth. It was a dream, cruelly dangling itself before her yet every time she reached for it, the images would fade and turn to ash. The more she latched on to hope, the less connected she felt. But a lion never stops fighting, until her last breath she'd claw for that future. The rustling of bed sheets shook her gently her from such dark and twisted thoughts, turning to look through the archway she saw Jaime stirring.

His eyes opened to a foreign environment, not recognising the draped bed canopies above, nor the sound of the room he lay in. He pushed his arm out to the side, feeling for her body but the space was cold and empty, not completely void of her presence as he could still smell her sweet, natural scent lingering in the sheets. Pushing himself to sit upright, he growled at the soreness of his side. It was dressed neatly with clean, silk bandaging. Glancing around the room, he finally landed his eyes straight ahead. A sight he was certain wasn't real, his lids blinking to try and blur it from his vision. But it was no lie. She was walking towards him, the pure sunlight illuminating her from behind as she floated in.

"Cersei?" He sounded unsure but the moment she was through the doorway and closer to his view, her features became clear. She was here, this was no dream. He felt overcome with solace instantly, as did she. The pure and utter relief clear in her expression as she arrived at his side in an instant, perching herself on the edge of the bed. Her hands cupped at his face whilst his mirrored hers on her pale, wind-bitten cheeks. Their breaths were heavy and fast with repose.

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