Face the Truth

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" ok folks that were the wrap for the first episode and there are many more to come with various states of highs and lows," said Galacta as she appeared before them.

" This can't be our future?" Said, Captain America.

" believe me, captain, it is," replied Galacta with a straight face.

" you all will see the consequences of your actions and it's pretty bad.

Some of them felt dread creeping upon them after hearing her words.

" And this all was just the beginning," said Galacta seriously, the lights faded out soon as the screens lit up. She didn't give them any chance to react.


The entire theatre waited for the screen to show the fallout with their bated breath. Some were still digesting what they had seen and some were in straight-up denial but one reaction was common among them, shock.

Shock at seeing the faintest hero turning into satan.

Shock at the revelation of him and Captain Marvel being engaged.

Shock at his ruthlessness.

Shock at him for committing mass genocide.

And shocked at everything that is going to happen.

Then the screen lit up showing what will be their greatest regret and downfall.



Doctor Otto Octavius found himself in the real Peter Parker's mind. Yes, he was the one who was posing as Peter Parker in the real world by taking over his mind and playing Spider-Man. He can see a figure standing before him and glaring at him.


"WHAT! " roared out most of them, they were in complete shock as they heard the thought.

" FINALLY THE TRUTH IS HERE, BITCHES!" shouted Deadpool as he stood up from his seat, Logan and colossus quickly pulled back to their seats.

" BWAHAHAHAHA..." started to laugh out the Superior Spiderman, now revealed as Otto Octavius in Peter Parker's body.

" Herman, be a dear, can you please remove this annoying mask. Can't breathe properly as I am laughing too hard," Shocker removed the spider mask from his face still, well in shock.

" Bwahahaha can't breathe, " roared Otto in laughter.

" Stupid people, mwahahaha, can't distinguish between friend and for, bwahaha" Otto was laughing too hard as some of the villains started to chuckle too.

The heroes clenched their fists in anger as they looked down in shame. Valeria glared at her mother heated, who was clutching her head and sobbing hysterically.

Johnny tried to console his sister, but Franklin too held his mother's shoulder as he wasn't able to see her pain.

" I knew it! Something was wrong with him when he refused to hang out with us and called us immature brats! I should have done something!" Said Hope as she gritted her teeth in anger, her friends gave her a side hug, telling her that it was their fault too.

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