The first meeting

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Since it was Sunday and you didn't have anything else to do, you were going out on a walk in the woods. The weather was perfect and the sky was clear, making it the perfect day for a walk. You decided to go to your favorite place near a lake in the middle of the forest since not many people knew about it. When you got there, you sat on your favorite rock and leaned back, enjoying the warmth of the sun. You weren't paying attention when someone walked up behind you.

"Nice day, isn't it?" Fracture, who was using his holoform, asked while smirking down at you; he wasn't expecting to find any Humans out in the woods, so he didn't want to raise any suspicion.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, it is." You said in shock, immediately sitting up and looking at a handsome man who was wearing purple and dark gray, his hair styled in a mohawk.

"Can I sit here?" Fracture queried as he gestured to the rock you were sitting on.

"S-sure." You stuttered, scooting over a little so that he could sit next to you.

'Frag, she's cute.'  Fracture thought to himself as he sat down next to you on the rock, noticing the slight blush that dusted your S/t cheeks. He usually didn't care for Humans, but there was something about you that he liked; you were just so unique to him. You definitely liked what you were seeing, but you weren't sure if he was single or not.

"So, who are you?" Fracture asked you in a curious tone, a charming smirk tugging on his lips.

"I- I'm Y/n. And you are-?" You questioned, wondering who the handsome stranger was.

"Franc. Franc Tur." Fracture answered, coming up with a fake name so that you wouldn't suspect anything.

"It's nice to meet you. What brings you out here?" You asked him curiously, wondering what someone from the city was doing out in the woods, not yet knowing who he really was.

"Oh you know, just gettin' some fresh air. This part of the forest is always nice this time of the year." Fracture replied, his smirk turning into a smile.

"On, are you from around here?" You queried, not remembering seeing anyone like him in the area before.

"I just recently moved here." Fracture responded, only telling you the half truth.

"Then welcome to the forest near Crown City." You said happily, your E/c eyes practically shining as you smiled at him.

"Er, thank you, Y/n." Fracture said politely, not expecting anyone to welcome him to the area.

You smiled, happy that you got to meet such a handsome man. He seemed to be a nice guy, even though you had only just met him; he was pretty good looking, too. Fracture liked how nice you were being to him despite not knowing him; he decided that he would like to get to know you better. The two of you chatted for the rest of the afternoon, talking about things you both liked and did. With how smoothly things were going, Fracture decided that he wanted to get to know you more.

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