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Gusts from the cold wind pushed the leaves and petals of flowers to dance in the sunlight, bringing a sense to all monkeys that something was happening on top of Flower Fruit Mountain, so from wherever they first were, they hurried up there, sitting far back in silence around a mysterious stone that had arrived years ago.

Sun Wukong during the commotion had been sitting at a grassy edge, his golden tail thumping when he too had felt the cold air against his fur.

Chirps broke his train of thought, and when he looked behind him to see what the others had been so lively about he saw a few of his companions poking and rubbing at the stone. This made any of his exposed fur puff up, and immediately made him jump up from his spot of comfort.

"Oh jeez! is it time already?" he hurried over, his fuzzy friends jumping back to make room for the other.

One gave the king a quiet chirp before climbing up his back and onto his shoulder, watching the beautifully carved stone with him. Wukong leaned close, admiring the sketch of autumn leaves he'd grown to adore over the years.

"Is it going to split? has it been moving at all?" he questioned the little group beside him.

Some of them nodded, and others were simply too distracted to hear Wukong, their eyes busy and glued on the stone.

Just then the stone jolted, scaring one monkey who sat too close into jumping up and backwards, his fur ruffled up. Wukong tilted his head when the stone made a cracking noise, and stared so hard that his eyes ached.

The stone split, and as soon as it did, a sunburst colored puff of smoke escaped from the inside, blinding the Monkey King and the some of his monkey friends who had sat the closest, bringing a squeak or two out of them.

As Wukong blinked and shook his head, the smallest of chirps grabbed his attention. He watched as the golden smoke died down to reveal the most fuzziest orange furred creature he'd ever seen.

It was a monkey, a monkey born from stone, just like him.

A monkey with his messy color of fur, and a face marking an exact replica to Macaque's. The small one was born with four feather like ears, golden and beautiful.

His chest rose and fell in the quietest breaths he could make. He knew what to expect since the very start, but what he didn't expect was the feeling of warmth that would drown him and his very heart.

Cautious, Sun Wukong scooped the chirping ball of fuzziness up and held them in his arms, cooing at how well Macaques face marking suited the little one. The little monkey barely stole a peek up at her father before she had grabbed a fistful of his own fur, surprising him.

The pride crept up on Wukong and left just as quick, letting him get a look more at his child's expressive eyes. They were golden, as bright as his, and only shown brighter when the sun had finally said goodbye for the night.

All while examining the one he instantly grew to love, a smile stayed put on the Monkey Kings face and had never left, not even when he got up to go back inside of their now home, where they'd be kept safe from any harm that ever came their way.





"That child is under the protection of the moon and stars, and as long as they stand under my sky- not one will hurt them." Her voice rang loud, her posture unchanging when face to face with the Jade Emperor, under her own moonlight glow.

Chang'e blinked, and the Emperor hummed. "That is well understood Chang'e, the child will be protected under your watchful gaze, and I will let that be known from now on."

The goddess grew to feel at ease at the emperors words, her determination quickly turning into joy at how well the news took to the one who sat. "Though-" she tensed, giving a confused tilt of her head when he spoke again.

"How is the other?" he asked after taking a glance to the moon.

Immediately, Chang'e's expression grew soft and she turned to face the moon on her own, a glimmer finding her eyes before she replied with a hesitant smile. "sad, but he'll be okay.."


yeah I'm not sure what to say- I hope you'll stick around if you liked this? -AL

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