Chapter 1: Before The Danger.

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"One more fight, then we can sleep all you want" he slowly said, his usual grin crossing his face as he went to pull the sleepy one up. "I promise."

The other stared at the King for a while, a steady gush of wind passing the two before a sudden whisper made the Macaques ears flicker. "fine." he grumbled, waving his tail in a fit of annoyance, uneasy thoughts piling up in his head.

'The last will be your final.'

That was what the wind had told him, and he believed it- because the wind was a friend to him, which never lied. Macaque would either get really hurt today- or this would truly be his and Wukongs last fight, granting them retirement like they wanted afterwards.

It was a little foolish to believe everything would play out like they wanted, Sun Wukong always made it seem that way when Macaque had doubts- but the wind telling him something he knew to never doubt?- squashed over any hope he had for a good outcome.

He was going to die- 

"Mac" his Wukong called, any and every bad thought vanishing the moment he made eye contact with the bright King. "What's got you so.. tense?" he eventually asked, leaning close til their noses were practically touching, his tail somehow tangling itself with Macaques.

Macaque was truly debating on telling Wukong about what the wind had told him, but he knew- for sure, that if he did then Wukong would just flat out not let him go at all.

"Nothing sunshine." he muttered with closed eyes, turning his head to blink at the pretty view the mountain always had to offer.

He would much rather kick ass in a fight than sit at home and do nothing.


A shriek of joy healed the trees that helped hide the young princess in a patch of grass who played, tumbling around with two monkeys who she considered her best friends. Her bun had come undone as she rolled, and her cheeks had turned pink when she would laugh for air.

"Shu! Come on out now!? before time runs out and I lose to Monkey King again!-" came the shout that stopped her play.

Jumping up, Shu chirped at the familiar voice. "MK!"

It seemed she had forgotten she was in the middle of playing a game with her fathers successor, getting distracted when her monkey friends found her instead and wanted to play.

"Sorry guys, I gotta hide from MK now-" she turned to say to the two who watched her, tone hushed and rushed before she jumped up and onto a branch above her. "we're playing hide & seek!" she explained.

The little monkeys would share a glance with each other before doing the exact same, jumping up and onto the branch she had sat on before climbing onto another and so on. They were curious with the game the little princess was playing, and wanted to see if she would be found or not, so they found a good spot to watch from.

"Shu?!" Mk called out again, his voice echoing through the jungle of trees when he had a sudden idea on how to get her to come out of hiding- a sly smirk being his whole expression as he let out a loud laugh.

It rang through the trees, and tickled Shu's feathered ears so much that she stopped what she was doing right then and there to giggle.

"Oh Shuuu~ Monkey King said he's ordering noodles!-"

The princess huffed, moving her tail to quickly wrap around the branch she was on before letting herself fall back, scaring the life out of MK when she was suddenly in his face. "AH!-"

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