Chapter 4: It's Here.

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As soon as the two had been invited inside by Red Son- every trap had been turned off for the sake of preventing either one of the two visitors from getting hurt. Saving the almighty family from the Great Sages temper- which in all honesty they never wanted to see again, not after Sun Wukong had put DBK under that mountain.

Down the long hall, Red Son walked with the two just behind him- grumbling things that they couldn't figure out.

It was mostly silent as they were escorted to a room- filled with comfortable furniture and shelves covered in books. It looked like a lounge to MK, and that made him very happy to be there.

MK stepped to stand in the middle of the room- turning around to thank the one who didn't seem like he wanted to be near him at all.  "Thanks again Red Son!-"

"Please refrain from talking." Red Son interrupted, a scowl on his face as he watched MK tilt his head at the sudden outburst of his- the little monkey in his arms staring dully at whatever books lined the walls.

"What? but I-"


"But we really appreciate it! the whole letting us stay here thing!" MK was finally able to say, Shu's tail swinging from side to side lazily as if she was bored.

The prince- Red Son stilled at his words, his body straightening like a pencil before his hair lit on fire and his cheeks burned bright. "You- you're only staying here because we were basically threatened by your mentor!! So don't go thinking this means we're-"

"Not enemies?" MK guessed, grinning. "that we're maybeeee... I don't know- friends?"

"Shut it noodle boy-"

"Red Son." A voice broke into the conversation- and the two instantly blinked at the silhouette of Princess Iron Fan standing in the doorway, looking collected as ever, not a single hair out of place. "You're needed now."

"Ah- yes mother." Her son fiddled nervously, fumbling for a certain object in his pocket that seconds later was revealed to be the very key the mother and son duo had stolen from him. 

"What did you need that for anyways?" MK couldn't help but ask, nerves bubbling in his stomach when Princess Iron Fan finally looked right at him- eyes staring into his.

Subconsciously, he tightened his hold on Shu, waiting for the sound of her voice- but it never came. Instead, she just turned around, heading down the hall to wherever.

Red Son was quick to follow behind his mothers steps, but before he got far- he turned to give MK a grin and his answer. "All you need to know is that you peasants won't stand a chance after today."

MK frowned, then blinked. Something really didn't feel right to him, and he hated feeling nervous- but once Red Son and his mother were out of sight he set Shu down on the couch, wanting to look at the books to get his nerves to calm down. 

"We won't be here for long.." he reminded himself- before feeling a tug on his jacket.

Instantly he looked down to see Shu, owl-eyed and very attentive. "Shu? what's up?" he questioned.

"I have a bad feeling." she mumbled, holding on tighter to the jacket of his. "I wanna go home- back to Flower Fruit Mountain-" she quickened her speech, eyes darting to look behind her and straight up at MK.

"Woah woah woah-" MK moved quickly to get on one knee- and cup her face so she only looked at him. "calm down, there's nothing to be worried about-"

Just then- a loud booming screech fell to their ears and the room shook, books flew off the shelves and hit MK square on the head. He winced and for a second his vision went blurry, but that didn't stop him from pulling Shu close to keep her safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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