Chapter 3: Purposeful Old Foes

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"Do you have to go..?"

"Ah c'mon Shu, Monkey King will be back in no time!" MK comforted, holding the little one so she hugging his hip. "we're gonna hang out with Red Son! doesn't that sound fun?"

"But-" Shu whimpered- glancing between her father and MK with teary eyes. "I don't want baba to go.." she was so distraught that MK couldn't help but pity her, reaching for her little hand using his free one and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Shu-"

Wukong watched the little moment unfold until her sadness started to rub off on the other. "It's okay bud.." he mumbled, taking a step closer to the two to give the cub of his a quick and comforting nuzzle. "she can't help it-"

MK still frowned at the sweet sight though. "I know- its just- really sad when she cries-" he rambled, not caring at all if he was being even a little too honest.

Hurrying to ruffle his hair, Wukong chuckled, completely ignoring the look of irritation on his face. "Trust me, it breaks my heart just as much- but this little trip is very important so-"

"Yeah yeah, I'm her babysitter and you need us to stay with the Demon Bull Family until you get back- where it's safe-" his successor finished for him, expression dulled- pouty almost.

Wukong just smiled after that, not really wanting to leave the two at all. "I'll be back soon." he had promised.





"You won't be able to wiggle out of this one, you scum of the earth-" The King practically spat, hand wrapped tight against the other simians throat, staring the cruel leader down with glowing red eyes. 

The tyrant couldn't help but smile at how the Great Sage's fur puffed up, how he looked so infuriated to be face to face with him again. "It's good to see you, Wukong." he greeted to the best of his ability, confidence radiating off of him. "how's the six-eared Macaque again?-"

"Shut up." Wukong cut him off, throwing him to the floor. "keep his name out of your mouth." he continued on- "you of all- do not deserve to speak about him."

Wukong was full of rage, he hated this Tyrant, for many reasons. After all he was the one responsible for all the trauma his Macaque had to go through before first meeting him. What the tyrant did was so foul that Wukong immediately took Macaque by the hand- suggesting to run off and live their own lives- free of pain, with just the two of them. Macaque didn't have to worry once they left, because Wukong had sworn to protect him from the demon if he ever dared to follow.

The demon pushed himself up, tail calmly swaying against the fancy palace ground as he looked to stare back into the Great Monkey Kings angry eyes. "I'll do as I please when you're in my home.

There was a threat beyond those words, venom that made Wukong duck his head low, relaxing his tense body just enough to where he still felt in control. "Of course you will.." he muttered bitterly. 

The two stood in the empty royal room- their scents battling each other to let whoever was wandering the halls know who was superior. Wukong wanted to smack the other to the heavens- but he dismissed the urge with a small frustrated grunt, confusing his enemy.

A chirp suddenly came and the two froze, both looking over to see a child watching them with worried eyes. The little ones fur was a dusty white, darkening in some parts, his tail longer than what Wukong thought possible for a cub.. and the clothes they were wearing appeared to be expensive- jewelry around the little ones neck and around their wrists.

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