Owens On The Run

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It was a lovely day in the Neighborhood of Peach Creek. The skies are nice and cloudy and the weather is perfect...A little too perfect for the day...Oh dear, I spoke too soon. An area of the Neighborhood looked like a horrible crime scene. Things were like a nightmare...

A/N: Camodo Gaming: In Sesame Street?

Suddenly, a 2ft Boy with brown hair wearing short white gloves, a short sleeve and long sleeve blue shirts, black leggings, black shorts, black knee high Converse, smiley face glasses, and a red headband with a yellow smiley facein the middle bursts through his Basement Bedroom. He was panicking and trying to pack up all his stuff in a rolling bag.


He then also made some toast with butter and ate one of it before running out with his rolling bag that is too big. He then burst out of his house with his big ass bag.


Jr's Sister, Sarah, and her Friend, Jimmy, were confused of what they've just saw.

In another house, all alone in a room that is filled with OCD and Lables to LITERALLY EVERYTHING, was a 2ft Boy with blue hair wearing short white gloves, a red polo shirt, black dress pants, black Vans slip ons, black knee high socks, glasses, and a blue visor writing a letter to his Parents.

Ow2n: "Beloved parents. By the time you read this, I will be long–far–" Oh, dear

He then folded the paper and places it in the trash bin.

Ow2n: "Dearest Mother and Father. It is with great sh-shame..."

Ow2n began to cry as he writes his note.

Ow2n: "That I regretfully con-fess...to..."

The more he writes, the more sadder he became.

Ow2n: "I regretfully confess to my involvement in the inexcusable, unconscionable, reprehensible, abhorrent, detrimental, detestable, immoral, thoughtless, hurtful–"

He slowly began talking out loud and messed up his handwriting.


Ow2n burst into tears before someone burst down his door.

Jr: OW2N

At someone's home, a 2ft Boy with black hair wearing short white gloves a green hoodie, black overalls, white Adidas Superstars, green puttees, and a green mechanical monocle tries to fill up his bag with as much stuff he can fit. He struggles to close the bag and once he did, he tries to bring it with him, but it became too heavy for him. He pulls as hard as he can, but drops it and his bag explodes, spilling out all his stuff.

ODF: No, no, no!

He then hears someone banging against his patio door.


He then grabbed a vacuum cleaner and pretends to clean.

ODF: (Mom) Um, my little Owen's not home right now!

(Clanboy AU) Jr, Ow2n, and ODF: Big Picture ShowWhere stories live. Discover now