Owen and the Prankster Factory

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Jr, Ow2n, and ODF

The three Owens did some shenanigans when the camera is on them until they crashes into it.

Jr: Jr.

Ow2n: Ow2n


Ow2n: (Random Noises) (Faints)

Jr. and ODF:...

Jr, Ow2n, and ODF are now walking down a field of large sunflowers. Ow2n is using a strange device. Suddenly, ODF runs up.

ODF: Ow2n, check this-

ODF then runs into Jr.

Ow2n:...Oh, um...cute

ODF: No, no, not that! This

He then picks up a sunflower and hits Jr's face with it. That made him mad and Jr. starts to chase him.

ODF: Uh oh

Jr: (Markiplier) Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! I'm Jr. from (SpyCakes) Stork...Enterprise...what

Jr. then held out a massive log out of nowhere.

Jr: (Markiplier) May I introduce you, the NOTA-PE-NIS

ODF: Don't whack me with your NOTA-Whatchamacallit!

Jr: (Markiplier) THE NOTA-PE-NIS

Ow2n rolls his eyes and looks through his device. Suddenly, ODF grabs it.

ODF: What's that stupid thing? Can you see cartoons in it?

He then spins it.

ODF: It's a wheeze-widdler!

Jr. arrives and ODF smiles evilly.

Jr: (Markiplier) I will...E X E C U T E

ODF uses the device on Jr's face. Soon, there is nothing left of Jr. on top of his double shirt layers. ODF looks in, and an arm reaches out from inside the shirt and grabs him. Jr. sticks his head out of the armhole


The two chuckled as Ow2n grabs his device and fixes it.

Ow2n: Yes, well, it's all fun and games, but merrymaking nearly cost us this sextant!

ODF:...you catch that, Jr?

Jr: Idk

ODF: Ah, the what? I missed that. What's it called?

Ow2n: It's called a "Sextant"

Jr. and ODF both chuckled from hearing what it's called.

Ow2n: An astronomical instrument used to–

ODF: Again, sorry, I missed it. What's it called?

Ow2n: It's commonly known as a "Sextant," ODF-

He stops once again to hear the immature Doubles laughed.

ODF: Say it again, Blueberry Head!

Ow2n then realize what they're laughing about and became angry.

Ow2n: You won't be giggling when this unnamed device triangulates our position and gives us a precise heading to the true direction of the gag factory!!!

(Clanboy AU) Jr, Ow2n, and ODF: Big Picture ShowDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora