Chapter 2

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The Stealth and Subterfuge class found themselves in a particularly grey area. That was to say, there were tall, looming buildings over them all unlike anything they were used to.

Except for Alex.

She recognised it, and nobody could find out she did.

While the rest of the class stood back in awe, taking in the new sounds of engines they didn't understand and the different shaped carriages without horses that were racing in front of them, Alex quietly pulled Jordan aside.

"Jordan, they can't know." She whispered in a panicked tone, looking him directly in the eyes.

"What can't they know?" He asked back. He looked around where they were standing and the many people that were surrounding the class.

"That we're in FREYA." She whispered-yelled as she gestured to all the buildings that surrounded them.

"They'll figure it out soon enough though, and might I just add: COOOOOL!" He chirped, stepping away from Alex and turning around to take in the view. Alex spun him back around and held his shoulders as she told him something.

"I know but they can't know I am freyan... I'll have to pretend I didn't grow up here." She muttered, a tinge of sadness gathered in her voice.

Jordan nodded before asking, "Can't you just open a door and take us back?" She shook her head.

"I can't, not with this many people here and then everyone in the class would know. Plus we don't even know why Hunter wanted us here." She mentioned as she made her way back to the class. They were all standing by the side of the road and they were still looking around. They definitely stood out amongst everyone, so Alex took charge without looking to the older classmates for advice..

"We need to take off the capes, we're drawing attention to ourselves. Also Kaiden, maybe try to make the swords and armour less suspicious. And move over there," She instructed, taking off her cape and putting into her backpack and pointing over to a less busy alleyway. They quickly shuffled out of the public's eye into the alleyway. Alex also grabbed everyone else's cape and put them in her backpack.

"So where are we?" Pip asked.

"I don't know." Tom answered.

"Who knows?" Declan elaborated.

"Then let's think about this. We are definitely somewhere grey... and there is obviously a lack in technology." Kaiden explained with a quick point to the carriages on the smooth road.

"Yeah about that, what are those and what's with the big smooth pathways?" Pip jumped in. Alex smiled to herself as the others couldn't recognise the cars and the roads that they weren't used to.

"Doesn't matter, let's just figure out where we are." Kaiden responded with an urgency to his voice.

"Well, I think it's safe to say we aren't in Medora." Jordan said under his breath. Blink turned to look at him.

"That's wild. How could we not be in Medora." Blink mused. He seemed just as excited to be in a new, strange world as Jordan was which Alex didn't think was possible as she saw the look of awe that washed his face.

"I don't know but I think we should scout the area. But we need to blend in so Kaid, how about you put the weapons and armour in Alex's bag and hope no one notices it." Tom decided. Kaiden passed Alex the weapons and armour and she stuffed it in her bag.

"Geez, how much can this bag fit?" Alex mumbled as they walked out of the alleyway as a group- which totally looked suspicious even if it wasn't their goal.

Alex stayed behind the group with Jordan while Kaiden, Declan and Tom lead them. They obviously didn't know where they were going but to Alex, she vaguely recognised where they might be. There weren't any famous landmarks that she could see but she recognised something- it must have been a shop or an apartment building that she had grown up near, since she was so sure that this was near her home. Of course, it had been a while since she was home because of her parent's constant travels and discoveries and also her time in Medora so that her memory of it wasn't the best.

"I think I know where we are." Alex whispered so quietly that none of her classmates risked overhearing her.

"Where are we?" He whispered back, just as quiet. Alex waited a moment then answered.

"I used to live near here." Jordan's eyes went wide and a big grin plastered his face. They kept on walking.

A bit louder than necessary, he exclaimed to Alex, "That. Is. So. Cool!" He was about to continue on, when the group had stopped. They hadn't walked far and so Alex was confused why they had stopped so soon.

"What's wrong?" She asked her classmates. Kaiden held out a piece of paper and handed it to Alex.

"From Hunter. We found it on the ground." He told her. Alex read the note but it wasn't any good news. All it said was 'You know where you are'.

"It's not very helpful, is it? Doesn't even have to be signed to know if from Hunter." Declan laughed. Alex gulped at the note, knowing it was intended for her. She weighed out her options, was it worth telling everyone her secret to help them?

The rest of the class didn't think much of the note and kept on walking without discussion. Alex stayed back again with Jordan.

"That note is for you," He whispered to her as he read the note again. There wasn't much to go off on.

"I know but we need to find out why we're here so then I can think of a plan to get us back." She answered back, looking along the long street ahead. The street had changed since she was last there but they were coincidentally walking in the direction of her house. From what she remembered her house was still a good hour's walk away but she probably wouldn't have time to go there.

"Has anyone figured out why we're here?" She loudly asked the class. They shook their heads.

"But we'll figure out, Alex. We've decided to organise ourselves more before we do something risky." Kaiden reassured her. Jordan and Blink's food was now in Pip's bag and Tom's kits were in Declan's bag. Among them, they had enough to survive for a couple days.

Alex noted that they were all walking on the side of the path that was next to the buildings and further away from the cars. Alex walked past the class until she made it to the front.

"Let's go find somewhere quieter." Alex told them, leading them towards a small park that she somewhat recalled. She led them there, purposely and accidentally getting lost on the way so they wouldn't notice she knew where they were. 

Thanks for reading My Dudes!

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