Chapter 5

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It was the next morning as nothing else had happened the previous evening. Alex woke up to find Declan clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. Groggily, she sat up to find Declan pacing across the room, with loud thumps.

"Whaa-what's wrong?" Alex sleepily asked with a yawn. Everyone else was also slowly getting up.

"Nothing. I'm bored." He replied, causing the class to groan. Alex stood up and walked over to him.

"So you decided to wake us up?" She whispered with a fake angry death glare. Declan pretended to cower.

"...Yes?" He tried. Alex shook her head with a laugh.

"Alright, I'm up... Dunno about everyone else though." She pointed to her classmates who were all lying down, back asleep.

Alex quietly gestured for Declan to join her in the kitchen before she carefully stepped over her friends. She opened the pantry to inspect what she could eat. There wasn't a lot. But there was some flour, sugar and eggs. Alex then checked the fridge. She had everything she needed.

"So what are you doing?" Declan asked, sitting down on a kitchen stool. He was leaning on the counter top, watching Alex grab some bowls and spoons.

"Baking. Crack an egg would you?" She pushed a smaller bowl towards him and pointed to the egg carton. Alex measured out some flour and sugar before gently mixing it together.

"Here. And what are we baking?" Declan gave her the bowl and she took it, mixing it into the other bowl with the sugar and flour.

"Pancakes but I doubt they'll taste the best. We're only using the basics of basic ingredients." She explained, pouring some milk into the mixture. She passed the bowl over for Declan to stir.

She took out a frying pan and turned on the stove, once the batter was ready. She began frying them.

Once she finished, the doorbell rang.

"Could you get that please?" She requested. A spatula was in her hand as she had just flipped the last pancake onto the plate. Declan went to the door while she went to wake up her classmates again.

She clapped her hands and urgently said, "Someone's at the door. We need to be ready to leave if we need to." At her words, they woke up. Declan came jogging towards Alex.

"There's a man outside. He's specifically waiting for you." Alex looked at her classmates in a confused expression. They didn't react so she cautionally went to the door. She didn't know who it could have been. Her dad? He was in Medora. She didn't have any other family in Freya and any friend she might have had before were sure to have lost contact with her when she was taken to Medora.

She let go of her thoughts as she opened the door to find...


He was waiting patiently.

"Darrius! Why are you here?" Alex exclaimed with a surprised tone in her voice. Her voice carried to the living room which had caused Kaiden to come running.

"Are you alr- Professor Marselle?" He quizzically looked at the headmaster. Darrius didn't react, instead he calmly walked into Alex's house. When the rest of Alex's classmates saw Darrius, they were shocked to say the least. Darrius simply walked in the living room and greeted them all.

"Now, when Hunter said he had another trip, this wasn't what I had quite expected. But anyway, I have your next clue as Alex and Declan had baked pancakes which is a custom that is practised here." Darrius smiled as he passed a note to Pipsqueak. He waved everyone goodbye and soon left the door.

"Pip, wanna read the note aloud?" Tom instructed her as Pip's eyes scanned the small note. She cleared her throat and started reading aloud.

"Your next task will be all about your thinking and problem solving, you'll find a box in this house and the contents of it should be self explanatory. Complete it."

The room fell silent as they thought about the note until one by one, they left the room silently to find the box. Alex left first, to go search her room while Jordan followed immediately after her and looked around the kitchen.

Alex's room hadn't changed since she saw it yesterday and she was quite certain the box wouldn't be in sight so she went straight to her wardrobe. Underneath all of the hanging clothes were dusty, old shelves. She inspected her old books and trinkets that were sitting on it. She had outgrown them and hid them away from sight when she was younger. She didn't find anything, so she switched to rifling in between her clothes in a hope to find something.

Alex continued searching until she heard Blink yell. "I found it!"

Alex quickly ran downstairs to where she found Blink holding a wide, plain, flat box just outside of an open cupboard.

"How'd you find it?" Pip asked, eyeing the box. Everyone waited for Blink to retell the story.

"I was looking and then I saw this bright red arrow on the inside of this door that pointed to the box." He told everyone.

"Do you want to do the honours?" Kaiden asked him. Blink nodded and lifted the lid to find...

A 2500 piece puzzle.

Everyone groaned at the contents. Blink led the group to the living room before dumping it on a low coffee table.

"How are we supposed to do this puzzle if we don't have a reference picture?" Jordan whined. Everyone except Alex groaned again at the lack of information they had.

"We'll start on the edge pieces and work our way inwards?" Alex tried positively even though she was not looking forward to completing it.

"It's a start." Kaiden agreed as he started filtering through the pieces. He portioned them off into seven small piles and distributed them to his classmates.

"Ughhh, I hate puzzles." Pip complained. She had started sorting the pieces just as she had started complaining. Jordan, who was beside her, nodded his head.

"I agree, they suck." His voice was disappointed and annoyed. He was certainly miffed.

"We'll just have to get through this." Declan mused. He was also annoyed. In fact, everyone was annoyed at the puzzle.

Kaiden had sorted through his portion and had started helping Alex. It was slow and tedious work but after a lot of complaining and a lot of time spent sorting through the pieces, they had a few, vague spots of colour. Alex sighed.


I have the next chapters pre-written so I'll probably post them soon!

Thanks for reading My Dudes!

Freya- A TMC FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz