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Next morning I find myself inhaling the fresh air from the balcony, I slept with the girls in one of the master bedrooms and it was a thrilling experience. We spoke throughout the night, it was like we were having a sleep over and even after just knowing me for less than twenty four hours they were kind enough to open up to me. So Ajoke is not really gay she started her celibacy journey two years ago and since some people stopped seeing her with guys they thought she's gay now....she never actually told the girls about it, so just like the rest of the population they also thought she was gay, but everything became clear last night...she's still on her celibacy journey and seeing guys on the low. Jumoke was engaged to some Asian guy six months ago, but she said she called the wedding off reason being...she faced racism when she was with him, not only is the guy racist but his entire family is too, so she's staying off any sort of relationship for now.
Barbra is insecure as expected who wouldn't be, her and Femi are in sort of an open relationship which is crazy because they've only dated for a year and Barbra is way too pretty to settle for that, Enny and Jumoke were against it though, "You have to be kidding me...break up with him, what am I even saying? You're not even in a relationship..just cut him off" Enny said. Well the entire idea of an open relationship was Barbra's. She works in Kenya presently (one of West Africa's top models and signed a contract with Vogue magazine and they're doing a shoot in Kenya for the next one month).
She's hardly around because of job description, "Femi doesn't complain" she assured us.... but she wouldn't be fine if Femi was the one in her situation so she brought up the idea of an open relationship, which she is solely regretting now, she was tearing up throughout her explanation of which we had to coax her to sleep.

"Look who we have here..the family's doctor" I hear a familiar voice..I turn and to my expectation it was...


"Yes cousin" she drags me closer for a hug, ever since we were little she has had the habit of calling me cousin even when we're the least related, well her mother and mine have been friends for quite sometime and she considers them as family.

I stiffingly hug back, after few kisses on my cheek she pulled me off, holding on to my shoulder as she scanned me from head to toe. "I thought you'd be thinner, you look fine" she smirks

"Thank you Dere" that was not suppose to be a compliment and it's clear

"Why are you still in your night gown?.. everyone else is downstairs"

"Apparently I just woke up"

"Ok..I was even surprised you got here before me bookworm"

"Mmmm" I murmured

"Mofe took me for a quick trip to Paris..he spoils me too much" her body is doing that thing it always does anytime she catches a big fish.

"Who's Mofe, Dere?" I ask. Not like I don't know..but don't we all want to hear it for the horse's mouth?

"Oh my boyfriend... he's one of Kelvin's millionaire friends, they went to Harvard together, he runs his father's oil business in Dubai and happens to be the only son of the family, we met in Dubai when I was there for my usual shopping..." Or usual fish thing about Dere she's always clear about what she wants, she loves nice things and she doesn't hide behind her fingers, I've never heard of her dating a broke guy before. One might think she's just a fine face that rely solely on what a man would give her, but Dere is a first class graduate of Pure and applied Science from the university of California, and works as a full time lecturer in the university of Lagos, I don't know how she runs her multiple lives but she's doing a good job.

"Oh" I really didn't catch up on all the other things she said about her new big fish, but I nod my head in alignment.

"He's downstairs...get dress so you can meet me"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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