Chapter 2

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So I'm literally addicted to Kdramas y'all should check Doom at your service and Nevertheless out and thank me later😊❤


"You did not" Kim laughs over the phone

"I don't even know how to face him right now" I'm headed for the hospital and I haven't even schemed up what to tell Richard and Kim isn't making the situation any better.

"Sis making the first move is great and everything but rejection is real" she burst into laughter I want to join her but for my own expense I held myself

"I am beyond mortified, it's not like I actually want to take it there right now" going out with Richard is cool and all but I just don't want another responsibility right now I have too much on my plate already.

"Look, for all we know he wants you to be his girl, I mean why else would he ask you out in the first place? If he doesn't want you?" True! But him making the first move would have been better.

"I just hope I don't get to see him because my plan is to legit go unconscious"

"Ha....and when you regain consciousness the first face you see is his then you legit die abi?" She laughs

"Are we even friends?"

"Ah,who is this Femi guy any way" of course she'll ask

"Got to go...later" I horribly say to cut her off

"You've got to ta..." she hesitates as I hung up

"So how are you fairing?"

"I feel ok...when will I be discharged?" The woman asks

"The doctor will let you know later" As I adjust the drip over her.

"My daughter should be here by two...what time is it?"

There's a huge clock hanging on the wall adjacent us, I don't think she can see it "It's past one....visiting hours starts by two-thirty actually"

"This is really frustrating" she sighs

"It will be time soon I promise"

"Why can't I just be discharged or see a doctor at least" she lifts herself up a bit.

"Ma'am I..." The door cracks open

"Good morning Mrs Smith" holy shiii

"Thank God,doctor Richard" I've never seen this woman smile this way since she got admitted in here.

"How are you this morning?" Richard says as he walks towards us with a broad smile on his face and I can feel my heart pounding against my chest "Please don't bring yesterday up!!"

"Can you get me discharged?" She just moved in here yesterday,I now know why she almost had a stroke.

"Soon" he got out his stethoscope from us white coat's pocket.

"I'm fine" as he pressed the other side of the stethoscope against her chest "I just skipped my medication yesterday, but I'm perfectly ok" she assured Richard.

"Yes I can see that" Now patience is one thing you master in medical school.

"So can I leave today,all these nurses be dosing me with drip"

"I know" I don't think they're both aware of my existence in this room because they're just talking amongst themselves.
Richard turns to face and I almost choke on my saliva.

"How many drips has she been given?" His face is flat,no emotions whatsoever.

"Just....two ringer lactates" I stutter a little

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