Meeting Frisk!

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'It's almost done.' Someone thought.

They had been there for so long while waiting for frisk to fall. Though, they didn't complain.

They explored a bit more and found the point where the toy knife was, it was oddly peaceful looking at the buildings and the monsters that were below so, they frequently came here. Infact, they were currently there right now.

While waiting for Frisk they checked if napsta was back at his 'hiding place' as they called it. Though, chara didn't think of it like that since everyone has to go through there to get to every other place in the ruins. Considering, toriel is basically the only person that ever has to go through there, it can technically be called a hiding place now that they think of it.

Wait, why were they thinking of that?

Anyways, napsta was back there after what they did so, there would be no changes to the story.

They even tried to go to the surface while waiting for Frisk but, when they reached the height where the hole into the underground was, something stopped them, even when they tried to go through the hole it stopped them. They just put it on the barrier allowing someone to go in but not out, it was the only conclusion they could come up with right now.

They hadn't seen Toriel or 'mom' as they called them on reflex now. Then again, they hadn't looked that far into the ruins so, Toriel could be talking to sans right now.

They just sighed in boredom.

They didn't have much to do.

They could go to Snowdin but, they didn't want to risk Frisk falling while they were there.

They just started silently floating to the flower patch.

They were wondering how long they would wait there until, they got bored and left.

They had been waiting for a few minutes now, they hoped Frisk would would come soon since Flowey was in the exact place he was in the ga-

A noise interrupted their thoughts, it sounded like someone walking on grass.

They were eagerly waiting.

'Shit, what if it's a player?' They thought, they really didn't want a murderous player. Then again, they didn't have a choice now do they?

All they could do was hope, that if they got a player, they were a pacifist.

They were worrying a lot about this, I mean who wouldn't?

Soon, the sound of grass being stepped on abruptly ended, in response they looked up.

"Lets hope they aren't murderous." They said as they watched the child fall onto the patch of flowers, with them next to it.

They looked at the bandage on Frisk's arm, it seemed whatever wound that was there reopened.

"Uh...Hi?" They said, not really sure about what to say.

They waved their hand too.

"Hi?" Frisk said.

Chara just floated there awkwardly.

"Do you need help?" They said, trying to make it less awkward.

'Shit, why did I say that? There's no bruise or anything on him. Her? Them.' They thought.

"No." They said, as chara sighed in relief.

Frisk got up, wiped whatever was on them off and looked at chara who was beside them.

In response, chara just waved at them.

"Howdy." Chara said.

Frisk clearly wanted to say something and chara could already guess what it was.

"Yes, I am a ghost." They said, immediately.

"Oh..." Frisk said

'I made it awkward, again.' Chara thought.

"Do you want to get out? Then, come with me." Chara asked, already knowing the answer.

Chara floated towards the door to the next room, as frisk followed.

"Talk to that flower." Chara said.

Frisk looked confused at what they said.
The hard part of this was trying to figure out how to make Frisk react.

Heres a quick question: do you want it so that, when the player logs off, chara goes out of the game and onto the pc?

Reincarnated as chara! But as the ghost!? (Hiatus)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt