Smg4 Fanfiction: Meggy and Tari's Miracles (2/5) - Longest bus ride

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Plot: Meggy tries to do her best through labour on a bus ride that seems to last forever...

20 minutes seemed to drag on for forever until Meggy finally saw the bus pulling into the station.

As she stood to her feet and adjusted back to the extra weight, she trudged onto the bus where their were thankfully no people other then the driver. The Goomba turned to her as she could feel a contraction coming.

Goomba: Where too Ma'am?

Meggy: B-Belmont...Ugh! Please make it fast...

Goomba: I'll go as fast as I'm allowed lady.

The doors closed behind her as she grabbed onto the nearest metal standing bar. The contraction slammed into her like a truck, forcing her to hold her breath so she didn't alert the bus driver.

She blew the rest of the pain out, walking to the back of the bus and taking a well deserved seat.

The contractions weren't letting up, continuing to assault her stomach as she silently wailed in pain. She kept trying to distract herself, remembering whether or not she and Tari had prepared everything back home. They had a simple plan: Get the baby bag and get to the hospital.

Her thoughts were halted by a sharp kick in her belly, making her Yelp. To her shock, she saw several little bumps jumping on her belly, right where the babies were kicking.

Babies...she still couldn't believe she was having twins after all this time...

Especially when she and Tari found out.

(Pregnancy length: 17 weeks)

Meggy lied on the couch, rubbing her belly as she watched Tv. Even though she wasn't even halfway done with her pregnancy, her stomach still had a medium sized curve too it.

Thankfully for her and Tari, Crystal took the news better then they were expecting. Now, she was excited and had already told half her class at school that she was gonna be a big sister.

But Meggy was still feeling worried, for one reason in particular...

While she was pondering her thoughts, the couch shuffled as she felt Tari sit down next to her.

Tari: Hey Meggy, How's my little family doing over here?

Meggy: Tari...I'm worried...

Tari: Huh? W-why?

She rubbed her belly...

Meggy: I...I haven't felt the baby moving. Like, at all.

Tari: Meggy, it's okay. Haha, Maybe the baby's just inherited my lack of exercise!"p

Meggy: Tari, I'm serious! When I was having Crystal, she was moving around long before this point in the Pregnancy. It''s worrying me...

Tari: Meggy...I-

Meggy began to sniffle and cry, running her hands over her belly.

Then a lightbulb clicked in Tari's head.

Tari: Meggy, I...think I have an idea that could help?

Meggy: R...Really?

Tari: Yeah. Can I...try it?

Meggy pondered for a minute, then nodded. Tari shuffled in closer and rose her hand, placing it on Meggy's belly.

Her eyes flashed blue, feeling around for the electrical energy within Meggy's womb, knowing that this baby would have some kind of spark if she was half Cyborg.

Meggy was confused, then something even stranger happened when her very belly started to glow blue. She shrieked a bit, but Tari rubbed her shoulder to keep her calm.

Then Tari finally found what she was looking for...

Against her palm, she felt...the steady heartbeat. She smiled.

Tari: Meggy, I feel a heartbeat!

Meggy: Really?!

Meggy put a hand on her belly, in complete shock as her head fell back in relief.

Meggy: Oh thank god. For a second, I thought-

Tari: Hang on, hang on! There's...something else...

Meggy: What?! What is it?! Is something wrong with the baby?!

Tari: I've...almost got it...

Tari moved her hand, focusing all her energy into looking as Meggy could just sit and watch with hope.

And then, Tari saw Meggy's belly glow a bit brighter...and then...

Tari: Oh my gosh...

She and Meggy looked down at the latter's belly. The light shone from within...and made the two small children within visible.

Meggy: T-Twins...

The glow quickly faded, leaving Meggy and Tari in absolute shock.

Tari: Well...this changes my plans for a nursery...hehe...he...

(Present day)

Meggy looked at the bus schedule, hoping she was at least close to home.

Meggy: Whew, only one more stop and then home-Ugh!

She rubbed her belly, feeling her babies kicking rapidly and without rest.

Meggy: C-calm down kids...we're almost home...

To be continued...

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