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"Did you seriously have to bring whisky to a cookout Malinka?" Zdrada asks her sister, standing next to a wooden picnic bench in a grassy field with the other demons.
"Of course I did! I can't see my phone with this bright sun and someone had to bring the good stuff." Malina responds.

"So why did Taker leave again?" Justice asks, really anyone, sitting at the park bench.
"We'll, turns out we didn't have any buns because Cerberus got a wild hair and ate all of them the day before we were going to do this and so he had to go and get them. Burgers can be eaten without buns, but they just aren't as good." Lucifer responds, flipping burgers on a grill.
"Yeah, that would make sense."
The three Cereberus's cheeks flush, embarrassed.
"Is that Azazel?" Judgement says in a surprisingly normal voice, pointing to a figure off in the distance, slowly moving closer, too far too make out any details.
"Yeah, I can see the halo... Why is she walking weird?" Modeus asks.

"See, I told you. I said that she would eventually come back, one way or another and here she is!" Lucifer says with a smug smirk. "Let's give her a warm demon... welcome..." Lucifer trails off as Azazel stumbles closer and she gets a good look at her. She is covered in partially dried blood, it's all over her face, hands and staining her clothing and shoes, twitching and spasming, a few tears rolling down her cheeks and with a deranged look in her eyes.

The rest of the demon squad, except for Justice, see her as well.
"What the hell..." Malina says, sounding rather shocked.


Azazel continues to stagger forward, now seeing the harem all sitting at or standing near a picnic table. So they were the one producing the smoke. Probably a mixture of Zdrada and the grill. She is mostly happy to see them as they are really the only people she has left, really the only person she is distinctly not happy to see is Lucifer. She has been rejected by everyone else and has nowhere left to go...

Everyone is staring at her, most looking surprised and/or shocked. Does she really look that strange?
While Lucifer looks rather smug, she thinks she can see a small bit of concern in her eyes.
Pandemonica doesn't really do much of anything and keeps sitting there.
"Why is she twitching?" She hears one of the Cereberus's ask another.
"I thought you were supposed to be in Heaven..." Modeus asks quietly.
"What the hell happened to you Azazel?! Why are you covered in blood?!" She hears Judgement practically yell.
Even the usually sour Malina looks absolutely shocked.
"What is going on?" Justice asks, really anyone.

The irony of her being kicked out for being corrupted and then her just dawdling back to a group of demons...
Azazel stops shuffling forward and starts laughing that same mentally unstable laugh. She doesn't really know why, as there isn't really anything funny except maybe a bit of irony, but she is still laughing all the same with that wild look in her eyes.

Malina and the triplets back away from her slowly as she is now only about ten feet away and they appear to be visibly scared by her. The triple demon starts whimpering.

"Mentally stable people don't laugh like that." Zdrada comments, exhaling smoke. "Looks like she finally went off the deep end."
Azazel stops laughing near immediately as more tears start spilling out from her blue eyes.
"Yes, run away from the scary angel!" Azazel shouts at the retreating demons.
"We aren't running away though." "You don't look like an angel." "She's freaking me out." All three Cerberus' respond.
"Azazel...?" Modeus nervously asks.
Lucifer is staying conspicuously quiet, just watching the scene unfold.

"WHO DID THIS TO YOU?" Judgement practically yells at her.
Azazel hears Judgement and her mind immediately starts going back through all the pain, suffering and trauma that has happened to her. Having to relive all the rejections, heartbreaks, identity crisis, everything, all over again, makes her emotions flare up and go wild. Her twitching hands start slowly clenching into fists as her clouded mind comes to a conclusion.

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