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Ao3 has always been my priority when it comes to this story (45 chapters there for this story, rather than 9) and so this version of the story has been shoved far onto the backburner. Honestly, i doubt few people even cared. However, a commenter named "badnamelol" has shown his interest and care for this version of the story and has inspired me to add a few more chapters! The content you are about to read next would not be here without him, rather it would still just be on Ao3. (=


In Heaven...
"Well, that took longer than it should have." The angel who manages the security footage says. While it had taken a bit longer than normal, as her superiors had been busy, she had finally managed to inform them of what she saw in the security footage.

They hadn't been too worried, "because she isn't their problem anymore" or something, but they had still decided that they would send out an angel to check on her in a few days just in case, so nothing bad happens.
"I think they should have taken it more seriously." She thinks. "We do not need another enemy of Heaven, especially not a Fallen Angel..." but she isn't in charge.

She walks into her security room and closes the door, rooting around for some party supplies. "Besides, it's Jacob's birthday today!" She says happily, grabbing a party hat, a can of soda, a candy bar and a singular balloon. While she hasn't ever actually met any of the people she sees through her video feeds, she lives a very lonely life, so she loves to get to know the people she's watching, get attached, and treat them like they are her friends, even if they don't know her. She loves to pretend she's there with them, not all alone.

It's not creepy or stalker-ish! Totally not! She's just making friends! Besides, she's got someone else's birthday to celebrate! She sits down, turns on the security feed, and enjoys the festivities, pushing the rather horrifying recording she had seen earlier to the back of her mind.


The Helltaker finally parks his car near the grassy field where the harem currently is. That line had been way too long.
He grabs the buns, hops out of his car and closes the car door, heading over to the park. He's ready for an awesome cookout with his girls, and this time he is keeping the burger buns far away from Cerberus.

When he arrives at his destination he gets quite the shock. Azazel is now here, even though he had been informed that she had left for Heaven, who is covered in blood and stumbling around like she's drunk. That would be enough to cause large amounts of suspicion, Azazel of all people should not be acting like that, or covered in blood, but there is also the fact that Lucifer is only just starting to get up from laying on the ground with blood dripping out of her mouth, looking a bit dazed.
Plus, the burgers on the grill seem to have been seriously burnt to the point where they are practically inedible, but that is not that does not warrant much concern in comparison.

"I wonder- *hic* why don't mosht angels- *hic* have wings?" He hears Azazel hiccup. Modeus seems to be trailing Azazel around, making sure she doesn't fall.

"What the absolute hell is going on here?" Helltaker asks, raising his voice.
All the demons look at him.
"Oh, hi Taker! Welcome back!" Justice says.
"Azazel's been acting scary!" The triplets respond.
"You tell me." Zdrada snarks.
Pandemonica says nothing and keeps working on some documents.

Helltaker helps Lucifer up off the ground. "Well Azazel clearly looks drunk. Did you spike her fruit juice Zdrada?"
"No I actually didn't."
"I have a hard time believing that." Since when would Azazel just drink alcohol? Besides, Zdrada isn't the most reliable account.

"I do all the work, and yet no one cares." Azazel slurs in the background. "I care!" He hears Modeus say.

He then turns to Lucifer, who still looks a little dazed. "Do you know what's going on here?"
"Well, Azazel showed up, bloody, twitchy and looking deranged... now I knew she'd come back, but not like this. She seemed to get really mad at me and then punched me." Lucifer tells him, but then quickly tries to patch up her bruised ego. " I'm normally better at fighting, being the Queen of Hell and all, I-I just wasn't ready for her to attack me, that's all!"

This just keeps getting weirder and weirder...Azazel is not that violent.


"Azazel, I need you to answer my question. Why are you so bloody?" She hears Judgement ask as the demon approaches her.

Through the haze of an alcohol-induced stupor, Azazel sees no problem answering the question. "I wanted to get rid of the horns... *hic* bashed my head into th-the concrete." Azazel's eyes are half lidded and she is starting to drool a bit.

Judgements eyes widen just a little.
Modeus looks absolutely shocked. "They look cute on you though! Why would you even do that?!"
"Wait. What did she just say?" Malina asks before drinking a swig of booze.
"I think something about bashing her head into the concrete. Which is pretty hardcore, I have to admit."
Malina proceeds to start choking on her booze.

Pandemonica finally stands up from the picnic table. "That was the last piece I needed. From what I can tell, Azazel is in the stages of a highly traumatic mental breakdown caused by some unknown source or event. This would explain the twitching and spasming, the partial insanity, violent actions, acting unlike themselves and trying to escape said traumatic experience through alcohol. All of which she has displayed. Plus, mentally stable people do not bash their heads into the cement until they are bleeding heavily. Now what actually happened is unknown, but I have some rough theories." Pandemonica sits back down.

Lucifer looks rather conflicted about this news. On one hand she genuinely cares for Azazel as a friend, but on the other, this means she is becoming more and more corrupted... she decides to be quietly happy, but also hope that Azazel doesn't get any worse.
"That's horrible!" Modeus says.
Justice just looks sad.
"Well that would explain things..." Judgement remarks.

Pandemonica hit it right on the nail. "Maybe that's why she hadn't done anything." She thinks.
Azazel can't really deduce anyone else's reaction to this information as her vision is starting to blur. Her balance is starting to leave her as well. This must be the bad side of alcohol she had learned about awhile ago...
She feels incredibly woozy and slightly nauseous. Her vision keeps blurring until she trips backwards over nothing and blacks out, drooling.


Thank you all for reading so far and enjoying! (=

This chapter was mainly just the aftermath of the previous one. We got drunken Azazel, Helltaker, the rest of the harem and a rather large revelation made by Pandemonica! We also have some closure on what Higher Command is going to do about this whole situation. They are clearly not taking it seriously. (I hope you liked the security angel OC i made as well! She was so fun to write! She loves her job and is rather lonely.)

As always, please give me your feedback and comments in the section below! I enjoy reading them (=

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