Rough day

173 4 3

Mortal au
Possible tw's: mentions of death (one of Will's patients)

Little: Will
Cg: Nico


Will sometimes regrets going into healthcare. He'd spent half his life learning and educating himself. It was almost all he knew. How could he just switch? It was pretty much too late to change careers, so he just forced himself to continue. Don't get him wrong though, he loved helping people and saving them.

He just hated when he couldn't. Every time he lost a patient it felt like maybe he had died too. He always felt so, so guilty. It was his fault. They died because of him. He should have done more for them.

The blonde sighed as he reached his home after a long shift. Home at long last.

That sudden thought turned sour as he realized that the little girl who had died would never get to go home again. It should have been her getting to go see her family. Not him.

Forcing back tears he entered the small and cozy home. He saw his husband had already gotten home by the shoes next to the door, he pus own right next to them. Nico would probably be making them dinner right then.

When he entered the kitchen he saw the raven in front of the stove cooking away. The younger boy's back was turned and hadn't yet heard Will enter. The taller boy snuck forward and wrapped his arms around the other's waist. Nico jumped slightly, but otherwise shook his head and went back to cooking. Just a few years ago the boy probably would have pushed Will away. He was much better with touch and affection.

"Must you sneak up on me like that?" Nico huffed as he stirred the homemade pasta. Will murmured nothing as he buried his face into the other's shoulder. His favorite spot when he was feeling down.

Nico knew this as well because immediately he turned around to see his lover's face. "What's happened?" He asked grabbing the blonde's hands in his.

"Nothing, sorry. Just a rough day at work. You can finish cooking Neeks." He disregarded it as he looked away. Nico sighed, shaking his head as he moved one of his hands away to cup the tan boy's face. "None of that Solace. What happened at work? You know you can tell me about it." Nico said as he moved the pan off the burner. He knew this conversation would take quite a while.

"I...." Will hesitated for a moment but decided to open up when he saw the genuine worry and love on his husband's face. "You know that girl Millie? The one who came in after getting in the car crash?" He waited for a node before taking a shaky breath and continuing. "She... she passed away not even an hour ago Nico! I just... I could have saved her. But I messed up and she's gone now a-and now she's never gonna see her family again, never g-gonna grow up and achieve her dreams and oh my gods she was only seven Nico... she had so much more time and I took that a-away from her... s-she's dead 'cause of mes. Messed up weally bads." He started to sob quickly falling into little space. It happened often after he would lose patients or just had bad days in general. Nico was really glad he was here for these times to take care of the other and comfort. The raven frowned as he pulled the other into a hug rubbing his back soothingly.

"I'm so sorry Sunshine. But it's not your fault okay? She was really really hurt and it was probably only a matter of time. You helped her those last few days though, okay baby?" He spoke as he played with Will's curly locks. He knew the other loved when he messed with his hair. "You made her laugh and smile and forget. She was happy in her last days because of you. I know you feel guilty but I promise you it's not your fault. She's no longer hurting though. She's not in pain anymore baby. I promise." He continued as Will tried focusing on calming his sobs. He was so grateful that Nico was in his life.

"Neeks pinkie promises?" He asked as he held out his pinkie finger expectedly.

"Neeks pinkie promises. Now do you wanna sit down and eat baby? You can sit on my lap?" Nico asked as he pulled away slightly ready to finish cooking the nearly done food.

"Can..... can we cuddle in bed and eat? Wanna lay down and cuddle....." Will knew that he wasn't allowed to eat in bed when he was little, but he still felt like crying and he just wanted so badly to lay down in their soft bed sitting in Neeks lap, resting against his chest, and watching tv. He knew he could get that in the chair like his caregiver had offered, but it was quite a different experience on the bed thank you.

Nico frowned and thought for a moment. He knew he shouldn't be bending the rules but Will looked just so broken and lost. Some good cuddles would do him good. "Okay... but don't start thinking this is gonna be a reoccurring thing from now on baby. Cause it's not." Will smiled wide at that and hugged Nico right again. Nico chuckled softly as he kissed the other's head and turned to finish the food.

Once it was finished and plated he brought the food and his boy (who had decided he was gonna become a koala bear and wrapped his legs around Nico's waist, arms around his neck. This too would not be a reoccurring thing if his back wishes to live) to their bedroom. Laying his baby on the bed and putting the plates on the side table he quickly went to go and grab some of Will's little things. He grabbed his sun-themed paci, hedgehog stuffie, and his favorite blanket. Handing the stuffie and blanket and the remote tv (who quickly went to turn his show on) to the blonde he set the paci aside for later use. Then he got into the bed next to Will and motioned for the boy to move onto his lap, which Will had happily obliged to. The blonde was much taller than Nico so it might have looked a bit awkward, but it worked for them and they loved it. Grabbing his blanket he wrapped it around himself holding his stuffie in both arms.

Nico shifted a bit and then grabbed one of the plates. He would feed Will first then eat his own. He got a forkful and then offered it to the blonde who immediately took a bite. Gods he hadn't realized how hungry he was till then.

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