Bad mornings

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I hc that Will is actually NOT a morning person, but being the son of Apollo he wakes up at like 4 or 5 am every day. And he does not like that. Wkfkekkd

Little: Will
Cg: Nico


Most people thought that all Apollo kids were morning people. That wasn't entirely true though. Some kids did enjoy waking up early and had no issues getting up and at it. Will, however, was not one of them. Being Apollo's son, however, he did wake up extremely early. Every. Single. Day. And he did not like it. But no matter how hard he tried to go back to sleep, it would not happen.

So here he was, laying in bed in the Hades cabin. He technically wasn't supposed to be in there, but he had yet to be caught. He sighed as he tightened his hold on his boyfriend. Who had the blessing of sleeping in as late as he'd like mind you. Will felt a pang of jealousy of the other boy. What he would give to be sleeping like that. As late as he wanted.

He huffed as he buried his face into Nico's curly black locks. The shorter boy's hair smelt nice and woodsy like nature's smell. He liked it. Whatever Nico used to shampoo his hair, Will hoped he never switched it. It was a comforting smell for Will now.

Will tossed and turned throughout the next hour, constantly trying to find a new position to get comfortable, and hoping to fall asleep, despite the fact he knew it would never happen. Will let out a frustrated sigh as he failed to find a comfortable spot.

"Will...? What's wrong?"

Will looked over at the boy beside him in surprise, then felt guilty when he realized he must have woken the boy. "Nothing... sorry didn't mean to wake you Neeks. You can go back to sleep." He answered. Nico shook his head and turned around in bed to meet Wills's gaze.

"No. Your upset. Tell me what's wrong so I can fix it." He demanded. Will sighed as he shook his head. "You can fix this Sunshine." Nico glared as he shook his head again. "Will. Please." He asked, his voice still strong and demanding.

"Fine. I just.... can't sleep. Okay?" He huffed, avoiding eye contact. Nico blinked in confusion when he heard the answer. "But... Apollo kids like getting up early I thought?" He asked in confusion. Will chuckled sourly. "No. That's just straight-up wrong. Apollo kids wake up early. It doesn't mean we like it. I would give anything to sleep in till one like you do." He explained. Nico frowned as he thought. Will was right, he didn't know how to fix this. If it was an Apollo kid thing there probably wasn't anything he could do.

Then he remembered. Whenever Will was little no matter the time of day, a bottle would put him to sleep. It was worth a try. "I do have one idea, but I don't think you'll like it." He looked up. Will tilted his head in confusion. Nico bit his lip as he thought. Will didn't like his headspace. Almost all his regressions were involuntary. It was hard to get him to regress voluntarily. Nico would have to coax him and help him even if he did agree.

"What is it? Please I'll try anything!" Will pleaded, grabbing Nico's hand. He was so exhausted he was willing to try anything.

"Regress. And I can feed you a bottle. That always puts you right to sleep." Well, maybe anything except that. Will frowned deeply as he shook his head. "You can't expect me to willingly...."

Nico sighed. "I told you that you wouldn't like it. But I can't think of anything else to do. You said you would try anything? Please give it a shot Will. It could help." He coaxed. Will whined as he thought for a moment. He wanted that sleep...

"Fine... but you— you'll have to help me. I can't willingly do it by myself." He agreed. Nico smiled as he ruffled Wills' head. Will huffed as he pointed a glare toward the son of Hades who got up to get his little box. They kept his little stuff in Nico's room seeing as he was mostly the only one who lived in the Hades cabin, besides Hazel who was cool with Wills's regression. Will didn't feel it safe to keep anything in his cabin.

Sitting back down on his bed again Nico opened the box. He pulled out a bottle and a dog stuffie. Walking towards his mini fridge (yes he had a mini fridge) he grabbed the milk and filled the bottle up. Setting the bottle on his nightstand he turned towards Will whose face was red, and picked up the stuffie. Nico put the animal in Will's arms and made the blonde pet the dog.

"This is degrading." Will huffed averting eye contact with the ravenette. Nico rolled his eyes playfully. "Oh hush, you're fine. You know I don't care, and you shouldn't either baby. It's a healthy coping mechanism. Nothing to be embarrassed by."

Will sighed. "I know. But I... it's still hard, y'know? My brain is like going back and forth. Right and wrong. All these stupid negative thoughts." He explained. Nico frowned. He didn't completely understand what age regression could do to the mind, but he understood the negative thoughts part of it. Like when he knew he had all these people around him who loved him, but his mind kept telling him it was all lies, and people just pitied him.

He understood what the bad thoughts were like, but he didn't know what to say to make it better. Truth be told he hasn't gotten over his own bad thoughts. Frankly, he didn't know if they would ever completely go away. All he could do was dull them.

"Hey... those thoughts are just there to hurt you. I know they're hard to ignore, but just try me focus on me, okay? Here and now. If I were to be the age regressor do you think I'd have anything to be embarrassed by?" Nico didn't know if that was a good way to go about it, but he hoped he got his point across well enough.

"Well no, bu—"

"Exactly. So there's nothing for you to be embarrassed by either. Cmon let's lay down and cuddle. We can put on Brother Bear." The ravenette suggested. Nico knew putting on a straight-up baby show would make Will too embarrassed, so it was easier to start with a family movie to help lull him.

Will nodded and grabbed the tv remote. He turned on the tv and found the movie they were looking for. After that, he dejectedly grabbed his stuffie and held it close. Nico smiled as he wrapped his boy into a warm hug and cuddled him close. Will's cheeks burned as he glared at the tv trying to focus on the show and ignore what was to happen. He could already feel his mind start to get a little fuzzy, and he didn't like it. For sleep, he told himself. He was still exhausted.

When the part where the big bear was telling Koda about how he killed his mother Will sniffled softly as he gripped tighter to Nico. This part always made him emotional. With how close he was to headspace, however, he began to cry softly as he watched Koda runoff.

"Hey, it's okay baby. Shhh. I've got ya." The son of Hades assured as he pulled the other more into his arms for comfort. He knew the other had fully slipped now, and he felt a little guilty seeing as it was because of the sad part of the movie. He didn't think about that when he picked the movie out.

Now that Will had finally slipped Nico decided to feed him the bottle while they finished the movie. Grabbing the still cool bottle from his side table he repositioned Will to his lap and offered him the drink. The blonde grabbed on with an appreciative glance and started drinking. The son of Hades smiled softly and rocked the mentally younger. Nico hummed a soft tune to his little boy and internally whooped when he saw Will's eyes grow heavy, and droop every now and then.

"Close your eyes, baby. You can sleep now, Tesoro." The ravenette whispered, and Will hummed contently and closed his blue eyes. It took a little while for him to entirely fall asleep, but soon the son of Apollo had finally reentered dreamland.

Nico smiled gratefully and put the nearly empty bottle back on his side table, and cuddled up with his baby.

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