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Another trans masc au for Nico because ahhh. It's another menistration one so more suffering for our boy because I love to project. Mortal au

Little: Nico
Cg: Will


Nico regret ignoring the signs. The past week he had gotten cramps in his stomach and thighs, but he ignored it. He didn't want to think about what would be coming. Not only that, but he was early too. He thought he'd have atleast a few more days before it came.

Nico's lip wobbled as he felt the sticky damp spot between his legs. He had sat up against the bed frame debating on what to do. Will was still passed out next to him oblivious to what had happened. Nico's face flushed as he imagined the embarrassing conversation to come. Why couldn't they have stayed the night at his house instead? That would be a little less embarrassing if he had gotten blood all over his own bed, instead of Wills. And what would Will tell his parents? Nico hadn't come out to them yet.

Nico glared at the spot on the bed as he started to shake. He didn't know what to do. His thighs and lower stomache were starting to twist, and he had to bite his lip hard to hold back the cries of pain. He didn't know how to tell his boyfriend without embarrassing himself. Well he doubted there was a way that wouldn't be embarrassing, he just didn't know what option would be the least. Nico rubbed furiously at the forming tears, pulling at his hair as he felt his head start to get fuzzy.

No. Not now. He couldn't slip now before he told Will. That would be the most embarrassing option. He couldn't keep slipping at the inconvenient situations. He was suppose to be stronger than that.

Despite that, he felt himself fully emerge into his headspace. He started to sob now, as he leaned forward, head resting on his knees, as he hugged his aching stomach. He hated this. Why did he have to be born in the wrong body. What did he ever do to deserve this torture?

"Nico? Hey, what happened?" Nico turned to see his caregiver giving him a worried expression. The blondes face was blurry due to his tears, but he could easily see his concern. Nico whined as he moved over to reach desperately for his caregiver.

Wills eyes lit up as realization hit him. He still didn't know what was wrong though for Nico to have gone into little space. He never slipped unless it was involuntary, plus the fact that he was literally bawling his eyes out.

Will reached forward and pulled the other into his arms. "Hey baby, you wanna tell me what's got you so upset? I'll try and fix it." He suggested with a calm, reassuring voice. Nico whined in embarrassment, burying his face into Wills neck to hide away.

"All bloody.. 'm sorry." He explained. Will looked down in horror, before spotting the dark spot on Nico's boxers and realization came over him. Relief came over him when he realized that it wasn't something terrible.

Well Nico's cramps were always terrible, but Will had feared at first that he had been horribly injured somehow.

He then spotted the spot on his bed.

Oh. Oh.

Poor thing. Wills heart hurt at the thought of Nico's internal conflict. He couldn't imagine the embarrassment the other probably felt.

"Oh baby. It's okay, I'm not mad. C'mon. let's get this cleaned up. Kayla has some pads in the bathroom. Do you think you can do it yourself, or do you want me to help you?" Will asked as he picked the other up and put them both on the floor. Nico dejectedly let go of Will, and nodded.

"Can do it!" He said proudly. Despite the situation, he was proud of himself for being able to do it without much help. It was good that he could, since he often regressed during this week and Will wasn't always there. He needed to be able to do things for himself.

"Alright little one. You go do that and I'll clean up the bed. If you want you can change into some of my clothes after." Will knew the other had extra clothes, but he also knew Nico loved wearing his clothes. Especially when he was little. Nico's eyes lit up as he nodded furiously and then ran off for the bathroom. Will smiled softly at the boys mood change, and then started to strip the bed. Throwing the bedding into the washing machine, he made a note to himself to tell their parents their puppy, Ghost (he named her after his nickname for Nico "ghost king" Nico didn't think it was so funny) had peed during the night if they questioned him washing his bed. Kayla, who had Ghost in her room, knew about Nico's gender identity would go along with it once he informed her. Solid plan.

Will grabbed the extra sheets and blankets and started to remake his bed. Nico had by then reentered the room in Wills "Sunshine" shirt, and some plain black shorts. The blonde smiled widely at the sight. How adorable.

Placing the last blanket on the bed, the taller of the two sat on the bed, and patted the spot next to him. "C'mere baby. I'm sure you're still tired huh?" He asked to which the ravenette nodded, and crawled into bed next to the other. He curled up around Will, and snuggled close.

"How old are you baby? I can ask Kayla to grab you a sippy or bottle if you'd like?" He offered. It was at times like this Will was very grateful Kayla had found out about Nico's regression. Whenever the boy was like this, snuggled up on the bed in Wills arms, the little didn't want either of them to go anywhere. So it was good to have Kayla around to get them things.

The other thought for a moment. "Mmm. Three I tink? Want sippy with juicy! P'ease?" He answered. Will smiled and kissed the boys hair. "Alright. Give me a moment baby. I'll text Kayla to get that and a heat pad."

He hoped that his sister was awake by now. She did wake up around this time, Will following in about thirty minutes to an hour after. Grabbing his phone from the night stand he shot her a quick message. She was fast to send a thumbs up.

"Alright. She'll be here in a just a minute Sunshine." Will told the boy who hummed in response.

Soon a knock sounded from his door. Will called for his sister to come in. The ginger entered his room, and came over handing the sippy cup and heat pad to Will. She then ruffled Nico's hair who whined in protest. "Hey there kiddo. Those nasty cramps being mean to you again?" Kayla sympathized. She too had very bad cramps, and her heart hurt at the thought of a three year old having to experience these pains.

"Yeah. Their really mean." Nico huffed. Kayla chuckled softly ruffling his hair a second time. Will thanked her, and they said their goodbyes and she quickly left back to her own room. Will sat up a bit in bed, Nico moving to lay against his chest. Will offered the sippy to the other who took it gratefully and starting to drink. Will leaned over the side of his bed to plug in the heat pad, and then paid it across the boys stomach. After a few minutes the heat pad had heated up, and Nico sighed in relief as the warmth spread across his lower stomache, helping to dull the cramps. Will started rocking the other who grew more sleepier by the minute.

Just when the other had finished just over half the juice Will noticed the other had fallen asleep. The blonde smiled softly as he kissed the boys nose, took the sippy cup from Nico setting it aside, and then wrapped his arms securely around his little, and closed his eyes ready to join his Sunshine in sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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