Human or Demon?

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Ameri POV

Today I saw Iruma flying towards school but its weird since I always thought that he was a human maybe Im wrong or maybe he's a half human anyways he'll tell me someday when he's ready.


I went home still thinking about Iruma.I dont know why but I still think he is a human even though he has wings.

Balam POV

I saw Iruma flying I dont think it that much probably just an illusion magic.


iruma went to my office asking if he could borrow some of my picture books about biology when I touch his back I can feel that he has wing roots I tried asking him but he already left.

<The next day>

Iruma POV

"Well I just remember now that Balam sensei did touch my back and tried to ask me but I already left oh well Ill tell him later"I said to myself before preparing to go to school.


I went to Balam sensei's office.

"Balam sensei"I said.

"Ahh Iruma I was wondering why do you have wing roots?"He said while handing me some tea.

"Well its actually"I went over his ears and whisper"Its a disguise so people wouldn't be suspicious why I always walk to school"I whispered.

"That make sense"He said.

We were talking about netherworld animals and netherworld history he even teach me magic which I like.A few minutes have passed I went back to Azz and Clara waiting for me.

"Iruma sama I was wondering why did you fly to school yesterday?"Azz said.

"Yeah Iruma chi its unusual for you to fly"Clara said while running around.

"Well I actually got bored Yesterday so I decided to fly to school since I dont fly that often its just to exercise my wings"I answered their questions.

"Well that explains it"Azz said and then theres a sudden explosion.

"Senpai are you all right?"I asked.

All of a sudden he started dancing around and screaming.

"Your senpai is fine and alive!!!!"
He exclaimed and ended up being hang upside down by Azz.The day went on as usual I went home later than usual since Ameri wants to make me read a few chapters.

"Granpa,Opera san Im home"
I said.

"Welcome home Iruma kun/sama welcome home"they said in unison.

I ate then took a bath and went to bed Ali popped up like he usually does.

"Iru-boy good evening"he said.

"Good evening too Ali san"I said.

"Ne Iru-boy why didn't you confess to her?"he asked and I suddenly blushed.

"I-I-She's just my friend and I love her as a friend"I said.

"Stop hiding your feelings Iru-boy I know you like her since I look through your memories"He said.

"What you can do that?Is that a new skill you acquired?!!"I asked him embarrassed.

"Yup,I can peek through your memories"He said proudly.

"Ugh fine I like her"I said.

"You finally admit it,Iru boy is inlove Iru boy is inlove!!!!!"He shouted.

"What?!enough of that Ali san how much mana can I produce when Im on my demon disguise?"I asked him changing the subject.

"He changed the subject quickly"He mumbles to himself.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing,well the amount of mana you can produce is the same as a rank 6 demon so you're quite strong Iru-boy"He said.

"Oh does that mean Im as strong
as Ameri?"I said and immediately blushed.

"Oh Iru boy mentioned his girlfriend I thought you just wanted to talk about magic? "He said.

"She's not my girlfriend I was just comparing" I said.

"Okay okay she's not your girlfriend,YET!!"He said.

"Stop!!!!"I said.

"Okay Good night Iru boy"

"Good night Ali san"I said in a sleepy tone.


Iruma POV

Its currently saturday Im so bored I went to grandpa's library I decided to study some magic so I can protect my friends and my family.

Some time has passed I have been in the library for about 4 or 5 hours.I asked Opera if they can train me how to use magic.

"Opera san can you teach me magic? " I asked them.

"Yes Iruma sama,why do you suddenly wanted to learn magic? "they asked.

"Well if Im staying here why not just learn magic besides I now have a demon disguise"I said.

"Well Iruma sama wait me outside I just need to finish cleaning"They said.

"Okay"I said.

Well I trained with Opera san for about 2 hours.Grandpa had come home now after he finished his work.

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