Reality Bending?

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Iruma POV

Well the thing that happened on Monday was crazy the whole cafeteria was in mess and I heard that the 3 that cause the trouble was punished.Its Saturday right now and Im bored.

"Hmm I should try new bloodline magics"I said.

I went outside the mansion and started thinking what or who's bloodline magic should I try and suddenly I got a very great Idea.

"I should try grandpa's bloodline magic!"I exclaimed.

I was imagining Grandpa's bloodline magic for about 15 minutes or so.

"I should probably just ask grandpa"I said to myself.

"Wait I havent tried this one yet 'Reality bend' "I said.

"Iruma sama dont!"Opera said but too late I already casted something turning part of the garden to be turned to pixels.

"Huh Opera san what is it"I asked them.

"Well"Opera got cut off by grandpa.

"Allow me,Iruma kun My bloodine magic is Reality bend And its extremely dangerous"Grandpa said.

"huh?"I said in confusion.

"Well as the name says it can bend reality at your own will,Decades ago while I was still young The Sullivan Clan was the strongest clan in the whole netherworld but it soon collapsed"Grandpa said a little sad.

"Why? "I asked.

"We were hunted why? cause people think that our bloodline magic is dangerous and can lead to destruction"He said.

"The others that survived went into hiding not wanting to use their ability anymore"He continued.

"When I was studying at Babyls loads of people tried to kill me everytime until I met Derkila sama I became his underling and people stopped attacking me since they dont want to mess with derkila sama,Years later Derkila sama was crowned as the Demon king and I became his retainer"He said.

"Im sorry to make you remember those grandpa"I apologized.

"No there's nothing for you to apologize you're just curious besides people doesn't mind if you use The Sullivan bloodline magic it will be more believable if you use it people will think that you and I are blood related~"Grandpa said.

"Oh okay thanks grandpa"I said.

Well after Grandpa told me the story why his bloodline magic is dangerous I went to my bed still thinking what can I use this Bloodline magic for then an Idea came in my mind.

"Thats it I will make a clone of myself but a girl"I said.

I started to think what characteristics Irumi needs of course She has all the features of a girl from head to toe.

"H-Hello?"She said.

"Hi Irumi"I said.

"O-Oh uhm am I your clone?"She said shyly.I forgot that I made Irumi shy.

"Yeah and also you have parts of my memory as Irumi"I said.

"O-Oh thats amazing"She said.

"Unfortunately I need to"I said and it seems like she gets what I wanted to do.

"W-Well just make me a-again if you need me"She said.

"Okay"I said and she disappeared.


Its Monday again and I woke up and ate breakfast with grandpa it still wonders me though that grandpa only eats with me if he throws a party.Me and Azz and Clara was supposed to walk to school today but it was raining so I asked Grandpa for the carriage.

"Grandpa Can I use the carriage today cause its raining"I asked.

"of course Iruma kun you haven't used it for a while now~"He said while a portal appears besides him.

We rode the carriage we were inside while Opera drives it.When we arrived Clara summoned three umbrellas with the same color as our hairs.
We greeted the student council who are holding umbrellas and went to Royal One.

"Man why didn't the weather forecaster say about this"Lied complained.

"Its rare to rain in the netherworld it only happens once a month or sometimes none"Kalego sensei said surprisingly in a calm tone usually he scolds someone if that person complains.

After that we went to our classes the day went on as usual right now we're on the Cafeteria.

"Iruma sama what do we do for this years battler party?"Azz asked.

"Yeah yeah Iruma chi do you have any amawzing Ideas?"Clara asked.

"Well actually I don't know battler party is still far away so we still have time to think about it"I said while munching my food.

After that I went to Ameri to read her the Manga.

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