The Riot At Our House

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"Let us in! I don't want to DIE," people would scream at us trying to break into our house.

"No CRAP you don't want to die," I yelled back.


Made the sound of a glass window break.

"Looks like that's the one that's not bullet proof," Christina says.

The man jumps in the house and uppercuts Christina under the jaw. I grab my bat and try to smack him in the face but instead I rip off the man's head. Blood comes spurring out of the man's rolling head and Christina says,"Damn it Paul! You got blood all over the rug."

Another bomb goes off and everyone's body goes flopping towards the glass. The window that was broken, Christina and I had to patch it up with a scrap of wood.

I pick up the man's head and throw it in the trash, then I toss the body in the fire of the furnace.

This is gonna be a long day.

I sit down on the recliner in our living room and Christina then falls asleep on my shoulder. And there we slept.

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