Get There

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"James was our director. A good kid! Why do they gotta' kill him! Oh wait a minute. James told us on the way here, that it was at a Hurricane watch tower? Right," I asked.

"Yeah," she replies.

"There is a hurricane watch tower right there.-(I point a mile away)- Lets just hope that's it," I say.

"Let's go there," she says.

We walk to the skyscraper and see a flashing red button next to the front door. So we assume it still works.

A defect starts squealing towards us and I pistol whip it in the face. As its on the ground I step on its face leaving blood splatters trail on my shoes.

I click the button with my dirt covered hands and a persons voice screams out of the speaker.

It says,"Well hello there! This is Dr.Ray. If you've been bitten in under 48 hours I can help you. Just come inside. I'm on the top floor."

"Looks like it's a journey to the top," I say.

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