Chapter Two: First Contact

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Central Calendar January 3, 1639

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

An old man walks towards a bus stop. The day was not hot for old world standards. Indeed, it felt slightly cooler than back in the old days. Not enough to cause mass deaths or a total change in the ecosystem, thankfully. In fact, it is still bearable for most people. That is quite lucky for Malaysia. Most people will not be ready if it is snowy. 

As the old man walked down the streets, he noted a few policemen guarding this section of the city. The police seemed more heavily armed than before the transfer. Indeed, ever since the whole "white barrier" popped up days ago, the nation had been in a state of emergency(darurat). While it is unsettling to see heavily armed police everywhere, the old man felt no fear. They were the ones keeping order in the city. Without them, it is likely that the city would return to the chaos of night one.

The presence of the police made the streets, once lively, somewhat cold, like some emotionless statue. Heavily armed police, even with outdated firearms(one of them was literally holding a Sten Mk. V, the old man had no idea where they found this relic), tends to have such an effect. However, the old man was concerned about the economy. More specifically, if he could even get food next month.

It was clear from before the government started censoring the news heavily that the Malaysian economy has practically vanished. The rationing system, much like in the communist nations, has been put in place. Everybody in Malaysia knows it is a temporary solution. However, nobody wants to speak up, as they might incite more civil unrest and get themselves arrested.

As he walked closer and closer to the low cost condominium he lives in, a younger man dressed in casual clothing approached him. The man seemed to be carrying a few cards. Is this going to be a religious fanatic or some kid promoting a pyramid scheme, assuming pyramid schemes still exist, thought the old man.

The young man approached him. '"Have you ever heard of the Holy Mother?"'

The old man scratches his head. Well, that answers it, he thought.

"What is it this time, Catholic?" the old man asks in an annoyed tone. He had met enough of these people. At this point, he was hoping it was some kid promoting a pyramid scheme. At least that would be interesting.

"'No sir, we are from the Wit-'" the young man tried to say before he was cut off.

"Actually, I don't care anymore. I'm guessing you're here to tell me that we got transferred to some bizarro world because the people are corrupt. And then, you'll tell me that your beliefs hold the path to salvation. And if I don't believe, I will get damned to eternity in Hell or whatever the fuck it is this time," the old man said.

"'Well, the Holy Mother is the-'"

"Please, stop, I have enough superstitious weirdos telling me this, doesn't matter from which religion. Please, stop," the old man said.

The religious young man understood that he wouldn't get any further talking to this old man, so he handed him a card.

"'If you ever start questioning why we're transferred here, please call this number,'" the young man said before leaving.

The old man continued to walk home. When he arrived, he tore up the card and tossed it away, like he did with so many others these past few days.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Central Hub Station, Esthirant, Empire of Parpaldia

The central hub station is crowded as usual. And that is to be expected. Being the central hub of transport, it would be scarier if it was empty. 

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