Chapter 5: Prelude to Merdeka Day

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Hello, this is the author speaking. My uni semester has started and I am unsure how much time I will have for writing. I will do my best to keep updating but I wish to apologize in advance if future updates are slow.


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Central Calendar January 16, 1639

Imperial Court Room, Paradis Palace, Esthirant, Empire of Parpaldia

Emperor Ludius listened to the official's report about the invitation from the Malaysians. It is rare that members from the lower portions of government get to be in the imperial court. However, since the offer the Malaysians give is most...intriguing, she got to be there.

"Very well, you are now dismissed," the emperor said. As the official left the room, Ludius continued speaking: "Very well, the Malaysians have given us an interesting offer. Not only did they offer us guns and these...Adnan armored fighting vehicles," Ludius flinched at the name of the armored fighting vehicle, as it is foreign, "but also invited us to join them in this...Merdeka day parade, whatever that is, where they also said that there will be a military parade, which is...intriguing to say the least. I would like to hear your opinions on this matter."

"'Very well, your imperial majesty. I believe that they might be trying to use a tactic of intimidation. Perhaps they might buff up the numbers to make them stronger than they actually are,'" Remille said. "'If so, their numbers are going to be much smaller than expected.'"

""Still doesn't change the fact that the Malaysians have the absolute tech advantage over us. Even if their numbers are small, we would be in trouble if their tech is really that much ahead of us,"" Arde said. ""This could be a good chance to see the full extent of what they have in their arsenal. While we could not know what capabilities they have, at least a rough impression would be there.""

"So you think it's a good idea to attend it?" Emperor Ludius asked.

""Your imperial majesty, it is the opinion of this humble servant that we must not pass up the opportunity. If they are about half as strong as what little intel we have suggested, then they would be a good tool for us since they will be in our sphere; if they aren't anywhere near that level, then we won't have much to worry about,"" Arde says.

Remille wanted to say more, but Ludius ignored her due to Arde being the expert on military matters. "Very well, I want a few people from your department and some from the second foreign affairs to prepare to attend the parade. Find out what their military has."

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Near Merdeka Square, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Near this historic square where the Union Jack was lowered and the Jalur Gemilang was first raised, where Tunku Abdul Rahman proclaimed the independence of Malaya, and where all Merdeka day parades are held, a protest is currently underway.

500 people marched from the Sogo shopping complex towards Merdeka Square. Signs saying "Stop wasting our resources" can be seen. The protestors were protesting the recent move where the government has announced that the merdeka day parades will be held regardless of the situation. Apparently some civilians thought otherwise.

Unfortunately, they never reached the square. Riot police moved in, utilizing tear gas and water cannons to subdue the crowd. The crowd dispersed, but about 100 arrests were made in total, with another 250 called in by the police due to involvement in the protests.

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Central Calendar January 27, 1639

Some house, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Malaysia ShoukanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon