The Idea

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"Come on, why not?"

Robin crossed her arms in front of her chest, staring at the three on the couch in front of her. Steve sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, while Eddie and Nancy sat there, awkwardly.

"Because we literally just faced death a couple weeks ago? I don't think anyone is super up to just pack our things and travel to the middle of nowhere." Steve said, rolling his eyes in annoyance. Robin looked at him, and then looked at Nancy.

"Don't you think it would be nice to get outta town, find like.. A forest or something and just get away from everything? And we could get to know each other better without, y'know, the whole impending doom shit?" She asked, wanting to get someone to back her up. Nancy shifted uncomfortably, not sure what to say.

"I mean.. I wouldn't mind it, but I didn't get nearly as injured as Eddie, so I can't really talk about whether we can handle it." She replied, shrugging slightly and blushing a bit at the sudden interaction.

"Hey, you think I can't handle a little bat bite or two? Nah, I just got some sick battle scars now!" Eddie retorted, lifting his shirt and pointing to the large scars along his sides. Nancy and Robin both turned in disgust, and Steve sighed once more. Him and Robin had too much energy for Steve to handle sometimes.

"Alright, fine. Might as well do something to make this summer a little more normal."

Robin cheered at the reluctant agreement, and Nancy stood up, giggling at her excitement. Eddie and Steve followed suit, Eddie wincing slightly. Steve stepped closer and put a hand on his back.

"Be more fucking careful, dumbass. You literally were on death's door last week, stop acting invincible." Steve scolded, and Eddie just flashed a dorky grin up at him.

"Aw, Harrington, are you worried about me?" He teased.

"No, I just don't want to deal with you complaining during the trip."

"Stop it, you two, we gotta pack stuff and get ready. How about we leave.. Tonight!" Robin said, rocking on her heels and fidgeting with excitement.

"Absolutely not, we need at least two weeks to prepare."

"Tomorrow morning?"

"A week, minimum."



"That's not a no! This Friday, we meet at the Harrington's and we start our drive! I'll look into places we can go to, and try to get the maps for it! Deal?" Robin said, and the group nodded (some more reluctant than others).

"Alright then, I better get home and start packing, Steve, you ready to go?" Nancy asked, and Steve nodded.

"Goodnight you two." Steve said, waving lazily.

"Goodnight, get home safe Eddie!" Nancy added, and he finger gunned at her.

The two walked out the door, and Eddie and Robin were left alone.

"So... I saw your handkerchief." Robin said, looking knowingly at Eddie. He shifted, trying to judge her demeanor.



"..same? What the fuck does that mean?"

"I mean... me too. I am.. Too."

"OH you're gay!"

"Shush- just.. Don't say it out loud please."

Eddie nodded, grinning. It had been a while since he met someone else that was gay.

"So.. do you wanna get going or would you rather chill here and watch horror flicks?"

"You bet your ass I wanna watch some horror shit. You got the Shining?"

She scoffed, feigning offense.

"Do I have the Shining, come on Eddie. Of course I have it."

He flops back on the couch, and Robin goes to find the VHS.

- - - - -

The drive home was quiet, with Nancy staring out the window as Steve drove. The radio played quietly as the two sat, the cool summer night creating a calm atmosphere. Nancy turned back, and turned the radio down. Steve furrowed his brows, confused, and looked over at her.

"What's up, Nancy?"

"Do you think this trip is a good idea? I'm a little worried about everything." She asked, fidgeting a bit.

"Well.. I won't say I'm not nervous too. I mean hell, leaving the kids back here and just driving off somewhere, that's a recipe for disaster. But on the other hand, Robin's crazy ideas sometimes are her best ones. And I think we all could use a bit of normalcy among all of this shit. So as insane as it is, I trust Robin." He said, staring out into the night as he drove.

"You and her seem quite close. Are you..?"

"Ah no, no. I'm... definitely not her type."

"What, she's not into dumbasses with dorky hair?"

"Shut up, it's not that bad. And no, she just has a very particular type."

He wasn't about to out her, that would be a douche move, even for him. If Robin wanted Nancy to know, she'd tell her herself.

"Alright then, just wanted to ask. She just seems like your type."

"And what is my type exactly?"

"Any girl who isn't immediately disgusted by you."

"You're so mean, Wheeler. Here's your place, get outta my car."

As she stepped out, she laughed at his reaction.

"Yeah, yeah, you know you love me."

He rolled his eyes, watching to make sure she got in safe. Some people might mistake what the two have for romance, but after they dated, the two had found it just made more sense to be friends, and bonded a lot through the various incidents in town. Once the door closed behind her, he turned up the radio and began driving back home. A song he didn't know started playing, but it sounded very metally. He wasn't exactly someone to like metal music, but he didn't mind it either.

"Sounds like Eddie's shit.." He said to himself, laughing a bit. Even just having gotten to know the guy, he knew he was a metalhead. And a freak. A huge, DnD loving, long haired freak.

Not that he thought that was a bad thing.

But still. 

-On The Road- (A Steddie and Ronance Story)Where stories live. Discover now